Sabaton Make Their ’Last Stand’ in New York !

Swedish metal heroes Sabaton has performed at PlayStation Theater before but never as a headliner — this time was different. The group is touring the United States in support of their latest album, The Last Stand and packed the venue, in the heart of Times Square, as thousands of fans donned army pants and aviator glasses, ready for battle.

Speaking of battle, the night began with the Finnish metallers of Battle Beast who ripped through a powerful set. Although there were some mic troubles for vocalist Noora Louhimo during the first song, once the sound issues were resolved, her raspy, melodic voice filled the room and left fans wanting more. Touring in support of their new album, Bringer of Pain, they performed new tracks “Straight to the Heart,” “Familiar Hell” and “King For a Day,” before taking the chance to hang with fans and take photos following their set’s conclusion.
Next up were symphonic metal act Leaves’ Eyes, who hit the stage with new singer Elina Siirala as her soprano vocal range soared. The band ran through cuts like “The Waking Eye” and “Halvdan the Black” off of their last album King of Kings, though diehard Leaves’ Eyes fans were especially thrilled to hear older material like the Njord offering “My Destiny.”
With a massive army tank and other military items like boxes of ammo and camo nets, the stage was set for combat. The headliners, Sabaton, hit the stage with their upbeat anthem “Ghost Division” and immediately demonstrated their powder keg energy with ceaseless intensity.
The crowd’s excitement was matched by frontman Joakim Broden who addressed the crowd, expressing his enthusiasm to play for over 90 minutes for them. The band also cranked out songs “Blood of Bannockburn” and the title track from their new record. Meanwhile, fans crowdsurfed and emphatically sang along to well-known battle cries “Carolus Rex” and “Primo Victoria.”
The night ended with sweat, sore muscles and hoarse voices for fans. Sabaton powered through their encore which consisted of “Swedish Pagans,” “Shiroyama” and “To Hell and Back.” It’s not every day you get to see power battle metal with some serious historic war themes, making Sabaton a truly unique experience live.
Go here to see remaining tour dates where you can check out Sabaton in action and scroll through the gallery above to see photos of each band!

Sabaton Set List — April 21, 2017
“Ghost Division”

“The Art of War”

“Blood of Bannockburn”

“Soldier of 3 Armies”

“The Last Stand”

“Union (Slopes of St. Benedict)”


“Screaming Eagles”

“Carolus Rex”

“A Lifetime of War”

“Resist and Bite”

“Night Witches”

“Winged Hussars”

“The Lost Battalion”

“Primo Victoria”


“Swedish Pagans”


“To Hell and Back”


Read More: Sabaton Make Their ’Last Stand’ in NYC [Photos + Review] |

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