K-Son Reflects On Rock World ??

Adrian Vandenberg The Dutchman Returns

Adrian Vandenberg Once upon a time, a young Dutchman rose to fame for his prowess on a six-stringed instrument called a guitar. He even had a band named after him (Vandenberg), and then joined one of the biggest bands of the 1980’s (Whitesnake). He traveled the world with that guitar, making hearts happy. But then that Dutchman disappeared from the music world for many years and everyone wondered what he had been doing. Well, that Dutchman is Adrian Vandenberg,

(Source http://screamingguitars.com)

10 Greatest Covers of Iron Maiden Songs.

Some bands stay true to the original and others make it their own. Up the irons!

(Source http://loudwire.com)

Bruce Dickinson on Iron Maiden Beer Line This is Not A Gimmick

When he’s not busy being a rock star or commercial airline pilot, Bruce Dickinson is a successful brewer. The Iron Maiden frontman discusses the band’s line of beers in this video from the Associated Press: Hallowed, the new collaborative brew between Iron Maiden and Robinsons Brewery, is now available. Designed once again by Iron Maiden vocalist and ale aficionado Bruce Dickinson together with Robinsons’ Head Brewer Martyn Weeks, Hallowed marks a break from tradition. At 6.0% ABV in 330ml

(Source http://screamingguitars.com)

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