K-Son Reflects On Rock World !

NITA STRAUSS Named First Ever Female Ibanez Signature Artist

”It’s real,” says a super-excited Nita Strauss; who just happens to currently play guitar for Alice Cooper.

”You are officially looking at the first ever female Ibanez signature artist. After years of dreaming, hoping and working, followed by months of planning and preparation… I am honored and proud to introduce my signature guitar, the Ibanez Jiva.”

”This beauty will be sold worldwide and comes equipped exactly how I play it live, including brand new signature DiMarzio pickups meticulously designed by yours truly.”

”When I had my first meeting with Ibanez in September of 2008, they asked me why they should add me to the artist roster. My (typically emotional) answer was… All my heroes are Ibanez players. It’s a dream come true for me to just come and meet you guys. If you don’t want to give me an endorsement, I’ll still play my Ibanez guitars proudly, but it would be a huge honor to join the family and represent the company officially.”

”They took a chance on a basically unknown girl from LA (I was actually the only girl on the USA roster at that time) and coming up on my 10th amazing year as an Ibanez artist, words cannot express how honored and thrilled I am to now join the ranks of my greatest heroes as a signature artist.”

(Source http://bravewords.com)


More releases on this day:

Happy 12th Birthday NORTHER’s Till Death Unites Us – January 25th, 2006

Happy 10th Birthday

ALESTORM’s Captain Morgan’s Revenge – January 25th, 2008

AYREON’s 01011001 – January 25th, 2008

BRAINSTORM’s Downburst – January 25th, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday

DEATHBOUND’s Non Compos Mentis – January 25th, 2010

DREAM EVIL’s In The Night – January 25th, 2010

IN MOURNING’s Monolith – January 25th, 2010

MYRATH’s Desert Call – January 25th, 2010

ORPHANED LAND’s The Never Ending Way Of ORWarriOR – January 25th, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday

THE BRONX CASKET CO.’s Antihero – January 25th, 2011

ULCERATE’s The Destroyers Of All – January 25th, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday WITCHMASTER’s Smierc – January 25th, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday

CONVULSE’s Inner Evil – January 25th, 2013

CULT OF LUNA’s Vertikal – January 25th, 2013

DREAMSHADE’s The Gift Of Life – January 25th, 2013

HATEBREED’s The Divinity Of Purpose – January 25th, 2013

KOLDBRANN’s Vertigo – January 25th, 2013

JORN LANDE’s Symphonic – January 25th, 2013

PINK CREAM 69’s Ceremonial – January 25th, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday HATE’s Crusade:Zero – January 25th, 2015

Dimmu Borgir to Unleash First Album in Eight Years ’Eonian’

It’s about time, Dimmu Borgir! The Norwegian black metallers will release their first album in eight years, Eonian, later this year.

After putting out albums on a very regular basis since 1995, Dimmu Borgir went through a very uncharacteristic dry spell since 2010’s Abrahadabra. Vocalist Shagrath and guitarists Silenoz and Galder remain as Dimmu’s songwriting core for Eonian, while drummer Daray and keyboardist Gerlioz remain part of the team. Gaute Storaas helped with choral arrangements for the album, sung by the Schola Cantrum Choir.

“Time, when not approaching it from the construct we’re used to can’t be defined and thus it is illusory,” explains Silenoz. “There’s only an ‘eternal now,’ which the album title is already hinting at. When we travel between the worlds seen and unseen, the perception of time ceases to exist, it has no function. Our energy is our torch and our compass when we make rifts and pierce through the veil — when we go beyond.”

Silenoz also claims the 10-track album will feel “more epic and majestic” while harnessing the “brutal” and “primitive” black metal sound of Dimmu Borgir.

Eonian represents the illusion of time, everything that is and always has been,” adds Shagrath. “For us, it also marks the 25th anniversary of Dimmu Borgir and the album itself is a tribute to our own history and the Norwegian black metal history.”

Dimmu Borgir’s Eonian will be released May 4 via Nuclear Blast. Fans can pre-order Eonianhere. The album’s first single, “Interdimensional Summit,” will hit fans on Feb. 23, so get excited for some new Dimmu!

Dimmu Borgir, Eonian Album Cover

Read More: Dimmu Borgir to Unleash First Album in Eight Years ’Eonian’ | http://loudwire.com/dimmu-borgir-new-album-eonian/?trackback=tsmclip

SABATON Release Official Live Video For ”The Last Stand”

Sabaton has released an official live video for ”The Last Stand”, featuring footage shot during the band’s The Last Tour. Watch below: Sabaton are uniting with German thrash titans and label mates Kreator for the ultimate North American co-headlining trek. The 24-date tour kicks off on Thursday, February…

(Source http://bravewords.com)

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