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AEROSMITH Guitarist JOE PERRY On HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES – ”I Think We’re Creating A Voice Of Our Own”; Video

6 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Alice Cooper and Joe Perry of Hollywood Vampires sat down in the Nights With Alice Cooper video studio to discuss what the secret is to their live performance. Watch below: Cooper and Perry recently discussed how the Hollywood Vampires feels like they are becoming a bar band again: Hollywood Vampires…

ZAKK WYLDE On Chance Of New OZZY OSBOURNE Album – ”That Would Be Up To The Boss”

15 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

In a brand new interview, Zakk Wylde comments on the possibility of a new album from Ozzy Osbourne, saying, ”That would be up to the boss”. Zakk made his comments while speaking to eonmusic, at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards, which were held in London on June 11th. On…

Iron Maiden (Aces High) Copenhagen 2018


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