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Queen is a British rock band formed 1970 in London by guitarist Brian May, singer Freddie Mercury and drummer Roger Taylor John Deacon, who was a member during all the coming successful years, first joined the following year as the fourth bassist of The order band gained a significant position worldwide in the 1970 century and is since then one of the UK’s most influential and successful bands. Queen has a long track record of hit songs such as ”We Are the Champions”, ”Under Pressure”, ”We Will Rock You”, ”Bohemian Rhapsody”, ”Another One Bites the Dust”, ”Radio Ga ga” and ”The Show Must Go On”


Brian May

Roger Taylor

Members before

Freddie Mercury (1970–1991)

Mike Grose (1970)

Barry Mitchell (1970–1971)

Doug Bogie (1971)

John Deacon (1971–1997)

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