K-Son Reflects On The Rock World ??

Pitchfork Destroyed Greta Van Fleet’s New Album and Rock Fans are Pissed


Judas Priest’s Rob Halford Responds to Fake News Report About Hospitalization

Read the exclusive statement Rob Halford gave to Loudwire.

Ex-SLIPKNOT Drummer JOEY JORDISON Talks Returning To Form With SINSAENUM, Writing First-Ever Book (Video)

In the clip below, former Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison reveals how new band Sinsaenum helped him return to form in the wake of health issues, having new motivation, and working on his first-ever book. Remaining dates in Sinsaenum’s European tour with Hatesphere are as follows: October 24 – Stockholm, Sweden…

David Draiman Says Disturbed Won’t Tour as Frequently as They Used To

So when it does happen, come, because it may not be a year or two or three till we see you,’ says Draiman.

ARCH ENEMY Guitarist MICHAEL AMOTT – ”2019 Is Another Touring Year”

Rock Mania TV recently caught up with Arch Enemy guitarist Michael Amott, who offerd his thoughts on the current state of the music industry and revealed the band’s next steps for 2019. Check out the interview below. Arch Enemy were set to launch the Will To Power North American fall…

IRON MAIDEN Frontman BRUCE DICKINSON On Life After Throat Cancer Battle – ”I Go To A Specialist Dentist Every Six Months Just To Make Sure That Everything’s Cool” (Audio)

Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson recently guested on Australia-based Andrew Haug Radio to discuss his memoir, What Does This Button Do?, and his battle with throat cancer that pushed him to write the book.   On September 11th, Dickinson brought his spoke word tour in support of his autobiography, What…

NITA STRAUSS – New Track ”Pandemonium 2.0” Streaming

Alice Cooper guitarist Nita Strauss will release her new solo album, Controlled Chaos, on November 16th via Sumerian Records. Check out the track ”Pandemonium 2.0” below. Pre-order the album here. Says Nita: ”Producing and doing the majority of the engineering on this record myself was a challenge for…

WITHIN TEMPTATION – Fan-Filmed Video Of Entire Moscow Show Posted

Dutch symphonic metallers Within Temptation performed in Moscow, Russia on October 18th. Fan-filmed video of the full show is available below. The setlist on the night was as follows: ”Intro / Raise Your Banner” ”The Reckoning” ”Endless War” ”In the Middle of the Night” ”Stand My Ground” ”All I Need…

MUSTASCH – European Tour Dates Announced For Winter 2018

Swedish rockers Mustasch have announced a string of Europeran tour dates for the end of the year in support of their latest album, Silent Killer, released in April 2018. Support for the tour comes from Mammoth Mammoth and Dirt Forge. Their schedule is as follows: October 25 – Stockholm, Sweden – Close…

THE WHO – 45th Anniversary Of Quadrophia Album Celebrated On InTheStudio; 2-Part Interview With PETE TOWNSHEND And ROGER DALTREY

North American syndicated rock radio show and website InTheStudio With Redbeard: The Stories Behind History’s Greatest Rock Bands celebrates the 45th anniversary of The Who’s Quadrophia album. Says host Redbeard: ”Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey join me In the Studio in this classic rock interview for the first in a…

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