K-Son Reflects On The Rock World ??

Five Finger Death Punch’s Ivan Moody Is Performing With a Broken Foot

Watch him perform with a cane.

Local Community Holds Prayer Meeting Against ’Devil-Worshipping Band’ Ghost

A pastor has severe concerns over the band’s presence.

GHOST – Texas Pastor Protests Upcoming Midland Show – ”I’m Sure The Band Believes The Devil’s Real; I Doubt They’re Just Doing This As A Part Of Their Shtick For Music”

Sweden’s Ghost hit the North American road last week at Freakers Ball in Grand Prairie, Texas with its A Pale Tour Named Death, a 40-date headline trek. The band is due to perform at the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center in Midland, TX on Monday, November 19th, and the…

IN THIS MOMENT Perform Instrumental METALLICA Jam At HALESTORM US Tour Kick-Off Show; Fan-Filmed Video Available

Halestorm and In This Moment kicked off the third leg of their all-female fronted tour, with New Year’s Day supporting. The tour began on November 16th in Norfolk, VA, and runs through December 16th, wrapping in St. Petersburg, FL. Fan-filmed video from the kick-off show, which includes…

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