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today’s question

What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

Har inga tankar om att leva ett långt liv utan försöka fylla det liv jag lever med substans jag blir nöjd med och förhoppningsvis dem som finns runt omkring mig.

I have no thoughts of living a long life, but i try to fill the life I live with substance that I am satisfied with and hopefully those around me to.

today’s question

Tell us one thing you hope people say about you.

I am person with very few friends only the closest ones who apparently love me for who i am.

Have no social skills, can’t socialize in a group of people,i keep people out of my person, doesn’t let anyone in because I don’t know the behavior, and i can’t small talk.

so I hope people say that they just don’t know him.