En helt vanlig dag, regnar ute gör absolut ingenting typisk sovdag, befinner mig i ett mer medvetslös tillstånd efter en arbetad natt av tre, även katten är slö idag.
I väntan på kollega som kommer ifrån Aneby hållet vilken står för skjutsen ikväll.
Defrosted released in 1997 – was Gotthard’s very first live album. Still to this day it’s seen as a cult-milestone within the bands career that helped establish their reputation as the most successful band from Switzerland. For more than 25 years, Gotthard have thrived in the global spotlight; with a…
After recent teases, Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic and Pat Smear returned to the stage for a set of Nirvana songs, with Joan Jett and Deer Tick’s John McCauley.
On November 2nd, 2018, US dark melodic metal masters Witherfall will release A Prelude To Sorrow, the follow-up to 2017’s Nocturnes And Requiems. Now, the band has revealed another glimpse at this gloomy opus: “Like our first single off of A Prelude To Sorrow, ‘Ode To Despair’, ‘Moment Of…
The Music Made Me Do It, the 14th studio album from Ted Nugent, is out November 9th. You can pre-order the album now at TedNugent.com. The first 150 people to pre-order will receive their copy autographed by Ted himself, plus a free download of the title track…
Ett fortsatt kattliv på trappen, Simon har hållit borta ett antal dagar, men i går kväll/natt var han tillbaka. Satt på trappen i flera timmar.
Detta är en mystisk katt som vi inte vet mer än hur den ser ut, namnet Simon stämmer säkert inte, det kanske är en hona som kanske bor någonstans, men ingen i närheten vill kännas vid den.
Det har inte hjälpt att skicka ut bilder på sociala medier, ingen…
Sweden’s Candlemass are sharing snippets of the band’s upcoming new music, featuring returning singer Johan Langquist, who performed on the band’s 1986 debut album Epicus Doomicus Metallicus. Says bassist Leif Edling: ”I just wanted to tell you that we are done with the recording part of the album. It has…
Swedish rockers Supralunar have released the single “Radio Ga Ga” via BMP Records Sweden. The song is an energetic cover of Queen’s fantastic hit single from 1984, written by drummer Roger Taylor. This summer 2018 Supralunar signed a deal with the record label BMP Records and the single is the…
In a new episode of Digital Tour Bus’ Preshow Rituals; Kamelot’s Oliver Palotai shares what he does before he goes on stage. Below is Kamelot’s updated world tour schedule in support of their latest album, The Shadow Theory. October 4 – Toulouse, France – Le Metronum 5 – Madrid, Spain – La Riviera 6…
Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi has revealed that he’s working on new music during a Q� session prior to the screening of Black Sabbath’s documentary The End Of The End on August 19th at the U.K’s Whitley Bay Film Festival. Iommi said, ”I’m still writing stuff; I’ve put…
Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson was guest of honour at the ‘submarine Oscars’ last week, reports The Lochside Press. The red carpet was rolled out at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Glasgow for the second annual Submarine Service Awards. Serving and retired submariners, their families, friends and affiliates…
U.S. doom lords Northern Crown will release their self-titled sophomore album on October 12th. The band has sharpened the approach on the forthcoming full-length, combining more dirty rock organ and chunky guitar riffs with their trademark doom-isms. Following up on their debut album The Others, their…
High On Fire has released ”Spewn From The Earth”, another new single from the upcoming Electric Messiah album, out on October 5th via Entertainment One (eOne). This is the second and final song the band will release from the new album. ”Spewn From The Earth” is the seventh instalment of…
Defrosted, released in 1997, was Gotthard’s very first live album. Still to this day it’s seen as a cult-milestone within the bands career that helped establish their reputation as the most successful band from Switzerland. For more than 25 years, Gotthard have thrived in the global spotlight; with a…
Heavy metal bassist Magnus Rosén (Shadowside, HammerFall) has announced that he has parted ways with Spain-based power metal band, Avalanch. Says Magnus: ”Great respect and a big thank you to the most important of all, I clearly mean you, the audience we have had with Avalanch. Getting to know…
In the clip below, Skid Row guitarist Dave ”Snake” Sabo and new singer ZP Theart guest on In the Vault With Shanda Golden, discussing the band’s forthcoming album, the third installment of their United World Rebellion, hooking up with producer Michael Wagener again, and Theart joining the band. Check out…
When a ’Single White Female’ places an ad in the press for a similar woman to rent a room (to replace the boyfriend she’s just left), all the applicants seem weird. Then along comes a level headed woman who seems to be just right. The new lodger has a secret past which haunts her.
Swedish black metallers Blood of Serpents release the official music video for ”Mater Tenebris” from their new album Sulphur Sovereign. The band has taken a decided step into an extreme black metal direction, going at full speed with forceful vocals that rip and roar with equal measure. Mixed with dark…
Florida death metal legends Hate Eternal will release their new album, Upon Desolate Sands, on October 26th via Season Of Mist. Pre-order the album via the following links, and listen to the new song ”All Hope Destroyed” below. – North America – Europe – Bandcamp The album artwork was created by Eliran…
A persiflage on the protest movements of the 60s. Its hero is the bold and sex-obsessed tom-cat Fritz the Cat, as created by the legendary underground artist Robert Crumb. Quitting university Fritz the Cat wanders through the hash, Black Panther and Hell’s Angels scenes to find to himself.
A funny story about a cat in the 60 year New York streets were people becoming animals…
After the deaths of three children suspected to be killed by wolves, writer Russell Core is hired by the parents of a missing six-year-old boy to track down and locate their son in the Alaskan wilderness.
A fantastic movie with many surprises with a end you don’t expect.
Voyageur Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group, has announced an October 19th release date for Martin Popoff’s new book, Iron Maiden: Album By Album. Required reading for all Iron Maiden fans, Album By Album is a compendium of in-depth, entertaining, and profusely illustrated conversations about all sixteen of…
Cradle Of Filth keyboardist and female vocalist Lindsay Schoolcraft is embarking on her first ever solo tour, and has chosen the far-flung and haunted shores of Australia for a round of DJ sets in Sydney, Perth and a world-first solo headline show in Melbourne. Schoolcraft’s tour will hit…
After an epic and storied 45-year career that launched an era of rock n roll legends, KISS recently announced on NBC’s America’s Got Talent that they are hanging up their 9-inch tall touring boots. And singer/bassist Gene Simmons tells Toronto Sun reporter Jane Stevenson that he’s going…
Ghost-year zero-Royal Albert Hall 9th September 2018
A war weary man takes a job as a lighthouse keeper on an island for the solitude. He meets a beautiful young woman and they eventually marry. One day they see a small dingy with an infant and man inside floating in the ocean. They rush to rescue them only to find the man is dead. They struggle over the decision to report it and whether to keep the baby. It’s only years later that they discover that the child still has a mother looking for her.
In a new interview with the Rolling Stone Music Now podcast, KISS singer Paul Stanley responded to the odd swipe bandmate Gene Simmons took at him onstage in Australia this month: (“I’ll sing everything,” Simmons said. “Because my voice always works! I don’t lose my voice. I don’t lose my…
In a new interview with Metal Hammer, Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett discusses the possibility of releasing a solo album. “I have so much material sitting around that’s obviously not Metallica stuff, and that pile gets bigger and bigger. One of these days when it feels right…” Kirk reveals. “I still…
In order to celebrate the success of their 8th studio album, Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs,, the biggest and most influential middle-eastern metal band, Orphaned Land, will be touring Europe again in April 2019. Singer Kobi comments: “We’re so thrilled and excited to go back on the road for the…
Canada’s The Metal Voice recently spoke to vocalist, guitarist and motivational speaker Carl Dixon from the Canadian band Coney Hatch, who will be opening up for Iron Maiden bassist Steve Harris’ British Lion on their upcoming Canadian tour in November. Listen below. Dixon spoke about the bands albums, touring with…
Back in March, Ozzy Osbourne filed a lawsuit against AEG, claiming the concert agency was ”blackmailing” him. The singer alleged that AEG was using a practice called ”block-booking” to force him to perform at the Staples Center in Los Angeles against his wishes. Ozzy had tentatively agreed to perform…
Skullaryd ligger vi riksväg 32 (därav namnet på bloggen road 32) där har vi också Rosjön som ligger ett stycke utefter vägen.
Runt Rosjön finns ungefär 250-300 sommarstugor. Det faktum att sommarkatter faktiskt existerar vet vi, det dyker upp minst en ny kattindivid per år, den kom för ett par veckor sedan.
Våran egen Fiffi med Simon på trappan, vi ska försöka få in Simon till vintern. Men först måste ett förtroende skapas till katten, eller om man ska ta en kattfälla och vid fångst ställa in den för att se hur katten reagerar.
… Underbart läge vid Rosjön och omgiven av småländska skogar …
Har tagit upp detta förut att vi har många katter här i Skullaryd.
Både ifrån oss som bor här, så även så kallade ”strykarkatter” och hur blir man det då.
Det är katter som är ”bonnakatter” tillhör en gård där det finns en ladugård där katten bor ladugården och fångar råttor, det blir kattens uppgift.
En del katter har detta som sin huvudsakliga föda, får ingen annan mat. Så finns det de katter som har det lite bättre som har en liten hörna där den får lite vanlig kattmat någon gång per dag.
De har dock en sak gemensamt dessa ”bonnakatter” bönderna åker ej runt och letar efter dom då de försvinner.
Idag har vi en katt som vi tror är en sådan som ej har någonstans att bo. Vi har sedan länge kallat honom som kanske inte alls är en hane. Men Simon har vi kallat honom för sedan länge.
Simon på våran trappa, där vi har en kamera på nätterna…
Detta är Fifi hor bor hos oss, sedan snart 1 år. Hon är chippad, vaxinerad, och kastrerad.
Australian, progressive metal outfit, Divine Ascension, have returned, unleashing their brand-new album, The Uncovering, upon the world. This is the band’s third album and is set for global release on November 16th. The Uncovering screams modern, fast-paced and powerful. It synthesizes heavy, pounding rhythms, passionate, memorable vocals and…
German metal ensemble Hammer King have released the official video for ”The King Is A Deadly Machine”, the first single from their forthcoming album, Poseidon Will Carry Us Home. Hammer King will release their third full-length, Poseidon Will Carry Us Home, on October 5th via Cruz Del Sur Music…
Grammy-winning Swedish rock band Ghost will be the special guest on all four legs of Metallica’s 2019 European stadium tour, Worldwired. The tour launches on May 1st in Lisbon, Portugal and will perform at 25 stadiums across 20 countries through August. In the meantime, Ghost wish to inform you…
The legendary pioneers of Viking metal, Einherjer, have carried out their vision for more than two decades. The band was there when Norwegian extreme metal grew forth and took shape as an enormous cultural export. Only four years after their Norwegian Grammy-nominated masterpiece Av Oss, For Oss and two…
Legendary Grammy award winning guitarist and producer Bob Kulick will be making a guest appearance with the Graham Bonnet Band on October 4th at Vamp’d in Las Vegas. This will be the first time Graham, Jimmy Waldo and Bob Kulick have performed together since their band Blackthorne in the early…
Paranormal occurrence as Alice Cooper’s image showed up mysteriously on the NASDAQ video screen in Times Square this week – just as 100+ world leaders converge on NYC at the United Nations. Alice Cooper’s A Paranormal Evening At The Olympia Paris release is out now via earMUSIC as 2CD digipak, 2LP…
Erik Öster med några av sina älgar i älgparken i Skullaryd. Två av älgarna har rymt efter att en gran vält över stängslet, vilket gjorde att älgarna kunde ta sig ut. Bilden är tagen i samband med ett tidigare reportage. Foto: Patrik Klavebäck
Erik East with some of his moose in the Moose Park in Skullaryd. Two of the moose have escaped after a spruce roller over the fence, which allowed the moose to get out. The picture was taken in connection with a previous reportage. Photo: Patrik Klavebäck
Två tama älgar på rymmen efter stormen
SKULLARYD Två stora älgtjurar från Skullaryds älgpark är på rymmen. I samband med hårda vindar i helgen har en stor gran vält över stängslet, vilket gjorde att älgarna kunde ta sig ut.
Publicerad 24 sep 2018 12:19
Eric Öster, som driver älgparken, har gått ut med en efterlysning på Facebook, där han skriver så här:
”Efterlysning! I helgen blåste en gran på vårt älgstaket och två av våra tjurar gick ut. Nu behöver i hjälp med observationer om var de finns någonstans. Så att vi kan hjälpa dom hem igen. Det är Ragnar (18 taggar) och Sune (17 taggar) båda skovelhorn och cirka 500 kilos vikt. Alltså STORA tjurar med Smålandsmått.”
Har fått ett hett tips
När tidningen får tag på Eric Öster berättar han att tips har inkommit på var älgarna kan misstänkas befinna sig.
– Vi har ett starkt tips på var de kan vara och ska försöka fånga in dem snarast, säger han.
Skullaryds älgpark är ett populärt utflyktsmål, där besökarna får vara med om ”älgsafari genom älgens och hjortarnas rike” och på nära håll får möjlighet att se några av våra vilda djur.
SKULLARYD two large älgtjurar from Skullaryds Moose Park is on the run in connection with strong winds this weekend has a large spruce roller over the fence, which allowed the moose to get out published 24 Sep 2018 12:19 Eric Öster, who runs the Moose Park, has gone out with a Banning on Facebook, where he writes like this: ”Call! This weekend blew a spruce on our moose roof and two of our bulls went out now need in help with observations on where they are somewhere so that we can help them home again it is Ragnar (18 tags) and Sune (17 tags) both Skovelhorn and about 500 kilo weight. Thus, large bulls with smålands ’ dimensions ”has got a hot tip when the magazine gets hold of Eric Öster, he tells us that tips have been received on where the moose can be suspected to be – we have a strong tip on where they can be and will try to capture them as soon as possible , says he Skullaryds Moose Park is a popular excursion destination, where visitors are allowed to join the ”Moose through moose and Hjortarnas Kingdom” and at close range have the opportunity to see some of our wild animals
A heart-pounding thriller about a widowed child psychologist who lives an isolated existence in rural New England. Caught in a deadly winter storm, she must find a way to rescue a young boy before he disappears forever.
In the beginning this is a sleepy movie until hell breaks out at the end
As explained by Annihilator frontman / founder Jeff Waters in a recent Facebook post about postponement of the band’s fall 2018 tour, the new dates are in the poster below. Waters: ”Looks like most all tickets for this coming fall’s tour will be honored for the 2019 shows in the poster…
I just love what this man did under his life on earth the wonderful music he created is living forever I hope
Speaking with Music Feeds, vocalist Myles Kennedy discussed his solo album, Year Of The Tiger, the new Slash Featuring Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators album, Living The Dream, and his ”bromance” with Slash. Following is an excerpt from the interview. Q: How are you still pulling out all these great…
When the network of satellites designed to control the global climate starts to attack Earth, it’s a race against the clock for its creator to uncover the real threat before a worldwide Geostorm wipes out everything and everyone.
This is a classic cataclysm film in sometimes very predictable, a romantic part about two brothers who find back to each other…
Iron Maiden is a British heavy metal band formed on 25 December 1975 by Steve Harris, bassist and principal songwriter. The band is one of the most influential and successful ever in the heavy metal music genre and has sold approximately 100 million albums.
Iron Maiden är ett brittiskt heavy metal-band som bildades den 25 december 1975 av Steve Harris, basist och huvudsaklig låtskrivare. Bandet är ett av de mest inflytelserika och framgångsrika någonsin inom musikgenren heavy metal och har sålt ungefär 100 miljoner album.
The Status Quo is a rock band from the UK, mainly focused on boogie rock and Hard Rock. The group is best known for its Ösiga and heavy rock ’ n ’ roll, which with its sturdy shufflekomp i.e. normally 6/8-delstakt, often popular among others, is called Classic rock. The name is Latin for ”unchanged state”.
Vad händer med politiken i Sverige idag efter valet 2018, ja vi är med all säkerhet många som vill/önskar svaret på den frågan.
Det är det ena konstillationsförslaget efter det andra, och den vägrar tala med den, det är med andra ord totalförvirrat många säger vuxen sandlåda.
Var är demokratin för det ska väl vara det parti som får flest röster som blir regering och dess ordförande blir statsminister.
Blockpolitik detta fenomen som till slut slog sönder vår demokrati, en demokrati som var tryggt rotad i landet, trodde vi åtminstånde, idag har antagligen tappat ansiktet helt resten av världen skrattar med all säkerhet åt oss.
Det är ok att mobba, det gör man mitt i direktsändning helt öppet i debatter inför valet. Efter nu i försöken till att bilda regering fortsätter man att mobba genom att utestänga ett parti med hela 16-17 procent av rösterna det ger över 60 mandat i riksdagen, det är helt förödande för demokratin, den som partierna själva säger att de värnar om.
Håller väljarna på att tappa förtroendet för hela det politiska etablissemanget, finns det en trovärdig framtid i politiken kvar, själv tror jag inte detta. Eller finns det någon som tycker att våra politiker gör rätt…
David Bowie (pronounced/ˈ boʊ I/), David Robert Jones (8 January 1947 in Brixton, London – 10 January 2016 in New York) was a British singer, musician, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and actor Bowie was a prominent figure in Pop music from the end of the 1960 and onwards, and was regarded by critics and musicians as a great innovator, not least in terms of his album and stage shows during the 1970 his career was characterized by recurrent style and genre shifts, both in terms of The music and his appearance and performance. Bowie is estimated to have sold about 140 million records, and was elected 1996 into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The body of 19 year old Driss Assani, a footballer with Heiderfeld football club is pulled out of the river Semois, a stones throw from Heiderfeld, a small town of a few thousand inhabitants in the Belgian Ardennes. The investigation is led by Inspector Yoann Peeters, who has recently moved there after a domestic tragedy, accompanied by Sebastian Drummer, an idealistic and inexperienced young police officer. Peeters will find himself confronted with a real conundrum, where one person’s guilt does not mean that others are not responsible.
This thriller is to long and a little boring the actors are really good and doing well
After performing several shows in Finland and recording a bonus ”Live” DVD, which is available together with the recent Ensiferum album Two Paths, released in September 2017 by Metal Blade Records, Ensiferum Acoustic will present their show for the first time live in Europe. The tour will run from December…
Ascending progressive doom quartet Pallbearer have released a sublime cover of the Pink Floyd classic, “Run Like Hell”. The track is part of a compilation in tribute to the iconic album, The Wall. Compiled by Magnetic Eye, the collection is called The Wall [Redux] and joining Pallbearer are Melvins, Mark…
Dream Child, the band featuring legends of the hard rock/heavy metal scene, have released their debut album, Until Death Do We Meet Again. Order the album here, and watch a video for the track ”Midnight Song” below. Says Craig Goldy: ”The band Dream Child was conceived during a brainstorming…
Rufus Publications will release the new book, Bernie Marsden – Tales Of Tone And Volume, in November. In the video below, Marsden talks about one of the guitars from his forthcoming book. The Fender Stratocaster NSA (yep, that’s right) is an unusual guitar and you can see it in all its…
It’s experimental when it comes to programming and some drum loops and stuff like that. We’ve done that before, but it was always kind of hidden,’ said vocalist Sonny Sandoval.
On October 5th, Polish black/death overlords Behemoth will unleash their new album I Loved You At Your Darkest upon the world via Metal Blade Records (North America) / Nuclear Blast (Europe). The band have released the third part of an interview series in support of the upcoming release. Find all…
Poland’s Behemoth have released the official video for ”Wolves Ov Siberia”, taken from their forthcoming album, I Loved You At Your Darkest. Check it out below. On October 5th, Behemoth will unleash their new album I Loved You At Your Darkest upon the world via Metal Blade Records (North America…
Steve Baltin at Forbes.com recently caught up with KISS frontman Paul Stanley for the latest installment of the publication’s Who I Am series. An excerpt from the story is available below. The Beatles On Ed Sullivan (Age 12) Stanley: ”If I needed any confirmation of what I wanted to…
Swedish epic doom metal band Silver Grime will release their debut album, Healed By The Dark, on October 26th via Inverse Records. The band features former members of Paul Di’Anno’s band, Obscurity and Cloudscape. Watch the music video for the track ”Children” below, featuring a guest appearance by Silver Mountain…
Is this Status Quo can this band survive without Rick or Fransic now is Rick gone and the band still going on but it ain’t Quo.
Fransic is not alive on stage anymore the happiness in playing rock’n roll seems to be gone…
DragonForce´s Fred Leclercq and Joey Jordison of Vimic (former drummer and co-founding member of Slipknot), who just released the brand new and critically acclaimed album, Repulsion For Humanity, by all-star death metal band Sinsaenum on August 10th, are about to kick off for an extensive European tour…
Following extensive touring in support of their debut album Pulses Of Pleasure (2015) and follow-up EP In For The Kill, Evil Invaders went a step further capturing adrenaline and sheer energy on their most recent release Feed Me Violence. Now they have added the cherry on the top with…
Windhand has provided another glimpse of what’s to come on their impending album Eternal Return with new single ”Diablerie”. Embodying the album’s more reflective side, ”Diablerie” fully captures the band’s artistic growth and the juxtaposition of genre-bending, heavy psychedelia that’s apparent throughout Eternal Return. Windhand’s fourth studio album Eternal…
While crisscrossing the country on the biggest North American outdoor amphitheater rock tour of 2018, Five Finger Death Punch’s latest single “Sham Pain” has officially hit #1 at Rock Radio this week. This marks the 6th #1 radio hit for the band. After a three-year wait, the multi-platinum…
On September 7th, Swan Song/Atlantic Records releases Led Zeppelin’s historic concert film and soundtrack recorded on July 27th, 28th & 29th, 1973 at New York City’s Madison Square Garden, The Song Remains The Same. The super-deluxe version is the first time that both the expanded soundtrack and film are…
Guns N’ Roses will kick off the next leg of their international tour in November, and guitarist Slash is fairly confident that the band will continue as a working entity for the foreseeable future. In a new interview with L.A. Weekly, Slash reveals, ”I feel pretty optimistic that we’ll…
Guitar legend Mick Mars of Mötley Crüe dives into his early inspirations, his creative process, and how he gets his signature tone with Ernie Ball strings in this new episode of String Theory, the web series from Ernie Ball that explores the sonic origins of some of music’s most innovative…
Germany’s Lord Of The Lost have released a video for ”Black Halo”, a track from their sixth studio album, Thornstar, out now via Napalm Records. Order Thornstar here, and watch the new video below. Tracklisting: CD1 ”On This Rock I Will Build My Church” ”Loreley” ”Black Halo” ”In Our Hands…
Scorpions have updated their Crazy World Tour schedule with the announcement of a show at the Seaside Arena in Beirut, Lebanon on October 27th. Check out a video trailer for the show below, and get tickets here. Upcoming Crazy World Tour dates are listed below. September 5 – Comerica Theatre – Phoenix…
For the first time ever audio tracks from Queen’s legendary performance at Live Aid are being released as part of the soundtrack album to Bohemian Rhapsody, 20th Century Fox and Regency Enterprises’ forthcoming feature film celebrating the band, their music and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury. Recorded at the…
Next Wednesday, September 21st, Slash featuring Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators will perform on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! The band will perform songs on the show’s outdoor stage in front of a standing-room-only crowd. The show airs at 11:35 PM. Slash featuring Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators…
Northward, the hard rock project from vocalist Floor Jansen (Nightwish) and Jorn Viggo Lofstad (Pagan’s Mind) recently unleashed their debut single ”While Love Died”, alongside a video for the track. The single is a part of their upcoming self-titled Northward album, due for release on October 19th. The song…
Kamelot have checked in with the following announcement: ”Dutch Nation and EU Kam Fans! On September 14th, Kamelot will play a unique show at the Poppodium 013 (in Tilburg, Netherlands) in support of new album The Shadow Theory. Only a handful of tickets are left for the show, it will…
Speaking with BackstageAxxess, Judas Priest bassist Ian Hill discussed the band’s current tour with Deep Purple, and the band’s relationship with former guitarist K.K. Downing, particularly in the wake of guitarist Glenn Tipton stepping back due to his battle with Parkinson’s disease. There has been speculation that Downing would…
TMZ is reporting that Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash has ended his 17 year marriage to his estranged wife, Perla Ferrar. Slash will reportedly pay Ferrar $6.6 million as well as $100,000 per month in spousal support, and $39,000 per month in child support. Ferrar will get…
Austin, TX based rock band Black Heart Saints has released the official music video for the title track off of their 2017 released LP, Alive, which features a live performance of the foursome live. ”This video was shot during our performance opening for Steel Panther in Austin, Texas. It captures…
This November 2nd the Robert Rodrigo Band will release its new album, Living For Louder, featuring ten songs filled with energy and passion, and including instrumental tracks showing of the incredible musicianship this band has always brought to the stage. Robert Rodrigo Band is: Robert Rodrigo on the guitar, side…
London heavy metal bruisers Amulet have announced the addition of talented new permanent singer Federico ”Mace” Mazza and have finished their writing second album. Mace joined in the early summer following a successful show supporting Cirith Ungol and Angel Witch at The Underworld in Camden in May 2018. Since that…
Brazil-based animator Val Andrade has released his new Iron Maiden cartoon clip, based on “Out Of The Silent Planet”, featured on Maiden’s 2000 album Brave New World. Watch below: Andrade’s previously released cartoons can be seen below:
A decent life is a Swedish documentary film that had a theatrical release in Sweden on 26 March 1979. The film is the second part of Stefan Jarl’s trilogy about the Swedish mods Kenta and Stuffe, and their friends, there.