Min Humor, My Humor…


Source http://corren.se

Jerry och Sabina skulle ha sex, så de slängde sig i sängen. Jerry hade världens jäkla ståfräs och var SÅÅÅ sugen. Precis när han skulle köra in den sa Sabina:

– Jag har sån huvudvärk just nu.

Jerry blev vansinnig och sprang ut till medicinskåpet, plockde fram en Alvedon och la fram den på ollonet. Han rusade in i sovrummet igen och sa bestämt:


In English

Jerry and Sabina would have sex, so they threw themselves into the bed. Jerry had the darn ståfräs and was sooo hungry. Just when he would run into it, said Sabina: I have such a headache right now. Jerry got mad and ran out of the medicine cabinet, plockde presented an Advil and presented it to the glans. He rushed into the bedroom again and said:-YOU CHOOSE! EITHER TAKE IT AS A LOZENGE OR AS A SUPPOSITORY!

Source http://skamt999.se

My Movies ?

Omnious 2017 Horror movie

Full movie


Trailer ( Omnious)


When the Callahans set off for a peaceful family vacation in the mountains they never expected their personal demons to follow them. The children discover a paranormal presence in the secluded cabin and two generations of secrets are revealed, forever changing the lives of the living as well as the dead.

Do really ghost exist ?

Do ghost exist or do demon really exist , some say there is different dimensions there different activity exists.

Activities of dead people, or demons.

Media all over the world has explored this world for a long time in history, they said it we could se in two dimensional we all should se them, now we had to feel there activity.

Movies all over the world have been diligent to take up the subject.

K-Son Reflects On Rock World ??

Wacken winter nights 2018 flashback…

Nightwish-how the idea of decades was born (Trailer #4)

IRON MAIDEN’s Legacy Of The Beast – Sentinel Lilith Attacks! Game Tip Video

3 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Iron Maiden’s Legacy Of The Beast, now available on Android and iOS, have released a new game tip video. Disable and strike down the opposing team with Sentinel Lilith! Developed in close collaboration with Iron Maiden’s management, players take on the role of the band’s iconic mascot, Eddie, in his…

Not your parents top ten frontmen list

Kim Wilde

”Here come the aliens”

Min Humor, My Humor…


Prästen har genomgång:

– Vem var den första människan på jorden?

– Harald Hårfager, svarar en elev.

– Vad säger du?! Den första människan var ju Adam!

– Jaja, om du räknar med utlänningar, så…

In English

The priest has the rundown:-who was the first man on Earth?

-Harald Fairhair, answers a student.-what say you?! The first man was Adam!

-Well, if you expect the aliens, so. ..

source http://skamt999.se

Min Humor, My Humor…


Source http://corren.se

– Älskling, vill du ha sex?

– Nej, jag orkar inte.

– Är det ditt slutgiltiga svar?

– Ja

– Du är helt säker?

– Ja! jag försöker ju sova.

– Ingen tvekan?

– Nej!!!

– Bengt tittar länge på henne medan klockan tickar och säger till sist,

– Då vill jag använda min livlina och ringa en vän.

-Darling, would you have sex? -No, I don’t. -Is that your final answer? -Yes-you’re completely safe? -Yes! I try the sleep. -No doubt? -No!!! -Bengt looking a long time for her while the clock is ticking and says at last,-Then I want to use my lifeline and call a friend.

Source http://skamt999.se

Det finns vetande som ger höga betyg. Det finns vetande man inte har någon som helst praktisk nytta av.

Det finns vetande som får folk att tro att du inte är riktigt klok som vet sånt. Det finns vetande som du har nytta av eller som imponerar på omgivningen.

En del vetande kan vara värdelöst för dig men värdefult för någon annan. Och vetande som kanske är värdelöst för någon annan kan vara värdefult för dig.

Här finns vetande som kan vara värdelöst och vetande som kanske inte är värdelöst. Klicka på en bokstav och börja läs.


I människans hjärna arbetar 10 000 miljarder komponenter, och varje dag utför de mer än 100 gånger så många kopplingar som alla telefonstationer i hela världen tillsammans.


Koalan älskas av barn över hela världen, men är samtidigt ett av de mest sömniga djuren i faunan. Den använder 22 timmar av ett dygn till att sova.


Doften av mat har nästan samma inverkan på människa som meditation. Hjärnans elektriska aktivitet förändras, och de härliga dofterna gör en lugn och avslappnad.

Min Humor, My Humor !


Source http://corren.se

CIA hade en ledig tjänst som lönnmördare. Efter all bakgrundskontroll, intervjuer och tester, var där tre personer kvar. Två män och en kvinna. För sluttestet, tog CIA agenterna en av männen till en stor dörr av metall och gav honom en pistol.

– Vi måste veta om du följer dina instruktioner, oavsett omständigheter. Inne i rummet, kommer du hitta din fru sittandes i en stol. Döda henne.

– Du skämtar?! Jag skulle aldrig kunna skjuta min fru.

– Då är du inte rätt man för jobbet.

Den andre mannen fick samma instruktioner. Han tog en pistol och gick in i rummet. Allt var tyst i ungefär fem minuter, sen kom mannen ut med tårar i ögonen.

– Jag försökte, men jag kan inte döda min fru.

– Då ses vi inte på måndag.

Slutligen var det kvinnans tur. Hon fick samma instruktioner, att döda hennes man. Hon tog pistolen och gick in i rummet. Skott hördes, det ena efter det andra, de hörde skrik, slammer, smällar mot väggarna. Efter ett par minuter, blev allt tyst. Dörren öppnades långsamt och där stod kvinnan. Hon torkade svetten ur sin panna och sa…

– Pistolen är ju laddad med blanka skott, jag var tvungen att slå ihjäl honom med stolen.

Sensmoral: Kvinnor är onda, jävlas inte med dem.

The CIA had a vacancy that assassin After all the background checks, interviews and tests, was where three people left Two men and a woman For the final test, the CIA agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun-we need to know if you follow your in nstruktioner, regardless of the circumstances inside the room, you will find your wife sitting in a Chair to kill her-you’re kidding?! I could never shoot my wife-then you’re not the right man for the job the second man received the same instructions he took the gun and went into the room, all was quiet for about five minutes, then came the man out with tears in his eyes. -I tried, but I can’t kill my wife-When we are not on Monday, finally, it was the woman’s turn, She got the same instructions, to kill her husband She took the gun and went into the room Shots were heard, one after the other, they heard screams , slammer, banging on the walls after a few minutes, everything became quiet door opened slowly and there stood the woman She wiped the sweat from his forehead and said-the gun is loaded with blank shots, I had to beat him to death with the Chair moral of the story: Women are evil , do not fuck with them

Source http://skamt999.se

2018-03-11 Dagens utvalda värdelösa vetande:

Today’s featured useless knowledge:

Flygbaronen Carl Cederström

Flygbaronen Carl Cederström var Sveriges förste pilot. Den 18 september 1910 gjorde han sin första flyguppstigning på Gärdet i Stockholm. Rubrik i Aftonbladet : ”En briljant färd – åtta minuter i luften”.

Flygbaronen Carl Cederström was Sweden’s first pilot. On 18 November 1910, he made his first ascent on Gärdet in Stockholm. Headline in Aftonbladet: ”a brilliant ride-eight minutes in the air”.

Magnus Härenstam

Underhållaren Magnus Härenstam var under delar av sin skoltid klasskamrater med den blivande moderatledaren och landshövdingen Ulf Adelsohn på Östra Real i Stockholm.

Entertainer Magnus Härenstam was during parts of his school classmates with the moderate party leader Ulf Adelsohn and Governor at Östra Real in Stockholm.

Rub al-Khali

Rub al-Khali ”det tomma området” Världens största sandöknen, runt 1000 kilometer lång och 500 kilometer bred, på Arabiska halvöns södra del.

Rub al-Khali ”the empty space” the world’s largest sand desert, around 1000 kilometers long and 500 km wide, at the southern part of the Arabian peninsula.

source http://goxa.se

K-Son Reflects On Rock World ??

I december förra året sålde HELLOWEEN ut Partille Arena i Göteborg och slog publikrekord. Nu är det klart att de kommer tillbaks i december för att äntligen göra en spelning i Stockholm. Konserten på Fryshuset Arenan den 18 december blir den enda i Sverige under bandets europaturné hösten 2018.

In december last year sold HELLOWEEN out Partille Arena in Gothenburg and broke attendance records. Now it is clear that they come back in december to finally do a gig in Stockholm. The concert at fryshuset Arena on december 18 will be the only one in Sweden during the band’s European tour in the fall of 2018.

Interview by Richie Blackmore about the releasing of the new album ”memories in Rock 11”

Def Leppard releases new EP

DEF LEPPARD releases new 12-inch EP ”Live At Abbey Road Studios” exclusively at Record Store Day on the 21st of april. The Edition is limited to 4.000 copies and plate contains the tracks ”C’mon C’mon”, ”Rock On” and ”Rocket”. Songs were recorded as early as 2008, when the band took part in the tv show ”Live From Abbey Road”.


Loudwire News

Nuclear Blast from YouTube

Loudwire News

Marilyn Manson Live 1/23/18 in San Antonio

NIGHTWISH Release Decades Video Trailer #4: How The Idea Was Born

6 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Tuomas Holopainen’s 3-track demo earned him his first record deal with his freshly founded band Nightwish back in 1996. 20 years later – with over 2,000 shows played and more than 8 million records sold – Nightwish are the biggest European symphonic metal band. Reason enough for Nuclear Blast to…

ARCH ENEMY Release Unboxing Video For 1996 – 2017 Deluxe Vinyl Box Set

3 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Arch Enemy have released an unboxing video for their deluxe vinyl box set, which includes all ten studio albums and a bonus gatefold 2LP featuring covers and bonus tracks recorded between 1996 and 2017, out now. Watch below. The hand-numbered box set also comes with a 36-page-booklet…

Pamela Anderson Calls Tommy Lee ’Disaster Spinning Out of Control,’ Lee Responds to ’Depressing’ Situation

600 Loudwire / by Chad Childers

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee have both issued statements to TMZ about the recent confrontation concerning the drummer and his son Brandon.

NY VIDEO: Judas Priest – Spectre

100 Rocknytt

Judas Priest har släppt en video till låten ‘Spectre’ som finns med på den nya plattan ‘Firepower’ som släpptes idag.

Judas Priest has released a video for the song ’ Spectre ’ contained on the new album ’ Firepower ’ released today.

Rock City Stockholm släpper nya akter

30 Rocknytt / by Ron Dahlgren

Nystartade festivalen Rock City Stockholm har släppt nya akter till vårens festival.

The fledgling Festival Rock City Stockholm has released new acts to the spring festival.

Uriah Heep och The Zombies till Sverige i höst

100 Rocknytt

De två legendariska engelska banden Uriah Heep och The Zombies gör i höst två gemensamma spelningar i Sverige.

The two legendary English bands, Uriah Heep and The Zombies do this autumn two joint gigs in Sweden.

K-Son Reflects On Rock World ??

NIKKI SIXX Nears Completion Of His Third Book

10 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Nikki Sixx (Mötley Crüe, Sixx:A.M.) has revealed via Instagram that he’s almost finished writing his new, as yet untitled book.  ”350 more pages to go. Book number 3. Chapter 1 ’The Benefit Of The Struggle.’ Writing books, poetry, short stories and lyrics takes me outta my comfort…

SABATON Live In Huntington, New York – Video Of Full Performance Streaming

3 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Sabaton have united with Kreator for the ultimate North American co-headlining trek. The 24-date tour concludes at Jannus Landing in Tampa, Florida on March 10th. Sabaton have posted video of their performance from last night, March 4th, at The Paramount in Huntington, New York. Watch below: Remaining tour…

Ian Hill Explains Why Judas Priest Didn’t Invite K.K. Downing to Rejoin the Band

200 Loudwire / by Joe DiVita

K.K. Downing was surprised he wasn’t asked to rejoin the Priest ranks, but Ian Hill says it would have been even more surprising if they did.

NIKKI SIXX – ”I Wrote A Song Yesterday That Sounded Just Like MÖTLEY CRÜE Called ’The Dirt'”

RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Nikki Sixx (Mötley Crüe, Sixx:A.M.) has been rather prolific on Facebook lately, posting the following admissions: ”Writers write… Don’t let the critic in your head slow down the flow. Always say yes to the idea that pops into your head… Give the creative idea a soft place to…

Dimmu Borgir – Interdimensional Summit

There new video:

Rick Parfitt Long Distens Love (Official lyric video) Rick Parfitt 1948-2016

Without you (official song) Album out March 2018

Mycket snö är massor med jobb, få bort snön ifrån huset.

Much snow is lots of jobs, get rid of the snow away from the House.

Massor med ved måste in för att få värme och kunna duscha.

Lots of firewood must in to get heat and be able to take a shower.

katterna fortsätter komma och hämta mat på verandan, nedan har vi Simon.

the cats continue to come and get food on the porch, below we have Simon.


Turbonegro (norska:Turboneger) är ett norskt rockband som bildades 1988. Bandet är känt för sin homoestetiska image och spelar enligt egen utsago deathpunk. Deras fans kallar sig själva för Turbojugend och består av olika kapitel utspridda över hela världen men mest i framförallt Tyskland, Norge och Sverige. För tillfället finns det närmare 6000 jugends.

Turbonegro (Turboneger) is a Norwegian rock band formed in 1988. The band is known for their style image and played by his own admission deathpunk. Their fans call themselves Turbojugend and consists of various chapters scattered throughout the world but mostly in Germany, Norway and Sweden. Currently, there are nearly 6000 f.

Nu har detta galna gäng släppt ny musik

Turbonegro – RockNRoll Machine har man valt att kalla denna cd.

Now, this crazy bunch released new music

Turbonegro-RockNRoll Machine has they chosen to call this cd.

Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow

Rainbow har släppt en ny singel, 22 år sedan sist.

Rainbow has released a new single, 22 years since the last one.

”Memories in Rock II” är namnet på albumet som kommer senare, ”waiting for a sign” heter låten.

”Memories in Rock II” is the name of the album that will come later, ”waiting for a sign” is the name of the song.


It’s only snow, but I like it…

Har nästan bara tagit bort snö idag, några bilder blev det föstås en del riktigt bra.

Has almost only removed the snow today, take some picturest to some of them are ok.

Idag tog sig (fiffi) en titt hur det står till med snön utomhus.

Today took the cat (fiffi) a look how the snow was outdoors.

katterna som springer runt på natten tröttnar aldrig, nästan varje natt är de och tittar efter mat, det hittar dom på våran veranda.

the cats running around at night never tire, almost every night they are and looking for food. On our porch, they find food

Ny uppdatering, New update !

Har inte uppdaterat egna tankar och bilder på länge nu, det är dags att ändra på detta.

Have not updated my own thoughts and images for a long time now, it is time to change this.

Ska försöka avrunda mina dagar och nätter (då jag jobbar natt) med att dela med mig av bilder jag tagit under dygnet, som en slags fotodagbok.

Will try to finish off my days and nights (when I work night) to share the photos I took during the day, as a kind of photo diary.

Det blev vinter i Skullaryd

There is a winter in Skullaryd to

Snabblunch i Eksjö idag

Quick lunch in Eksjö today



Eksjö grillens uteservering ser kanske inte så lockande ut idag

Eksjö Grill’s outdoor dining area looks may not be as alluring out today

K-Son Reflects O Rock World ??

LOUDNESS Frontman MINORU NIIHARA On Band’s Longevity – ”If You Don’t Respect Your Partners, Nothing Works”

5 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

In a new feature by music writer Joel Gausten, Loudness singer Minoru Niihara discusses the band’s recent released 28th album, Rise To Glory, and what has enabled the band to keep going after 37 years. An excerpt from the story appear below: One thing sure to amaze longtime Loudness fans…

BRUCE KULICK – ”It’s All These Other Things Related So Strongly To KISS That Are Making The Fans Excited, So It’s Great To Be A Part Of That”

2 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Former KISS and current Grand Funk Railroad guitarist Bruce Kulick recently spoke with Totally Driven Radio about his KISS Kruise VII performance with his brother Bob, being part of the KISS family tree, Grand Funk Railroad and more. History was made in 2017 in the world of KISS, arguably the…

Drummer Proves Metallica’s ’Frantic’ Sounds Better on Trash Can

100 Loudwire

Fans have long labeled Lars Ulrich’s ’St. Anger’ snare as trash, but drummer Cameron Fleury has proven a trash can lid would have been the better choice.

EDGE OF PARADISE Announce New Album And Music Video Shoot In Iceland

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Edge Of Paradise, hailing from sunny California, are heading to the land of ice and snow, to bring you an epic taste of their third full length album. This captivating rock group is getting ready to film a music video in Iceland, for their first single, ”Face Of Fear”. Frontwoman…

Puteraeon – The Dunwich Damnation


Puteraeon verkar mer och mer ha blivit en dödsmetallinstitution i Sverige, och ändå har de inte varit aktiva som skivsläppande band i mer än tio år (om vi räknar in deras tidigaste demos). Varje gång de släpper en platta vet vi vad vi ska få; Kvalitetssäkrad Svensk döds utan några som helst krusiduller eller mjäkigheter. … Läs mer

AMORIELLO – Children’s Book Author Joins Forces With Former BLACK SABBATH, WHITESNAKE, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, MSG Members; First Single Released, Audio Streaming

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com /

10 Insane Bandmate Fights

2 Loudwire

From onstage, the tour bus and the recording studio, these are some of the most unforgettable bandmate fights on film.

Avenged Sevenfold Announce ’End of the World’ Tour With Prophets of Rage + Three Days Grace

200 Loudwire

In what should be one of the major tours this summer, Avenged Sevenfold will hit the road with two of rock’s bigger acts.

AC/DC Classic ”Whole Lotta Rosie” Featured In Trailer For ABC’s Roseanne Reboot

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

AC/DC’s ”Whole Lotta Rosie”, lifted from the band’s 1977 album Let There Be Rock, can be heard in the new trailer for ABC’s upcoming reboot of the classic sitcom, Rosanne. Roseanne Barr’s long-running hit sitcom will return for a 10th season on March 27th. Check out the trailer…


1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Robert Plant And The Sensational Space Shifters performed ”New World”, from the Carry Fire album, live at the O2 Apollo Manchester on November 30th, 2017. An official video, directed by Ryan Mackfall and produced by Crashburn Media, can be seen below: Plant was a guest on March 1st on The…

BON JOVI Streaming Official Music Video For New Single ”When We Were Us”

7 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

An official video for Bon Jovi’s new single, ”When We Were Us”, is available for streaming below. Bon Jovi performed the single, from the reissued version of their This House Is Not For Sale album, on CBS’ The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on February 22nd. You can also watch…

Robert Plant on Reluctance for Led Zeppelin Reunion: ’I’d Be a Whore and I’m Never Going to Be That’

300 Loudwire

The vocalist cites boredom and a desire to move on and pursue work that interests him, while letting the past be the past.

Slayer Announce Second Leg of North American Farewell Tour Dates

800 Loudwire

Adding to their already announced May and June shows, Slayer will be extending their run into July and August.

K-Son Reflects In Rock World ??

SPARZANZA Streaming New Song ”Whatever Come May Be”

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Swedish metal band Sparzanza are streaming the song ”Whatever Come May Be”, featured on their new album, Announcing The End, out now via Despotz Records. Listen below. Announcing The End tracklisting: “Announcing The End” “Damnation” “One Last Breath” “Whatever Come May Be” “Vindication” “The Dark Appeal” “Breathe In The Fire…

Welcome to my Spotify list Gerras List

a trip in metal music, a list that changes daily

Late AC/DC Vocalist BON SCOTT Honoured With Giant Sculpture In Australia

RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Melbourne will soon be home to a larger-than-life memorial in tribute to legendary former AC/DC frontman Bon Scott, reports Emmy Mack of Music Feeds. The permanent sculpture will be erected in AC/DC Lane, exploding out of rock den Cherry Bar‘s exterior brick wall. It will…

RUSH Guitarist ALEX LIFESON Contributes Short Story To Toronto Paper, 100 Signed Copies Available

RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson is now a guest contributor to his pal Dave Bidini’s local Toronto community arts paper, the West End Phoenix. Alex’s short stories are illustrated by artist Casey McGlynn. The December 2017 Issue features a piece by Alex Lifeson called ”The Meaning of Lifeson: Vol. 2 Important…

Judas Priest Premiere: Watch the Lyric Video for ’Never the Heroes’

200 Loudwire

The band says, ’There is a hero in all of us. In times of struggle we can be strong and united, conquering our own challenges and helping others.’

MEGADETH – DAVE MUSTAINE’s Behind The Track Video For ”Set The World Afire”

RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

As part of Megadeth’s 35th anniversary celebrations, check out Dave Mustaine’s behind-the-track video for ”Set The World Afire” off So Far, So Good… So What, originally released in 1988.  In live news, Megadeth will return to the stage April 29th at Fronterizo Fest in Tijuana, Mexico alongside Scorpions…

K-Son Reflects On Rock World ??

WILL HAVEN Streaming New Track “Winds Of Change”

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Sacramento-based mainstays of noise metal Will Haven recently announced their return, and are set to release their sixth full-length album and first for minus HEAD Records, entitled Muerte, out on March 23rd. Muerte is available for preorder now via Amazon and Bandcamp, with iTunes digital, PledgeMusic bundles and…

MASK OF PROSPERO Sign To Symmetric Records

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

The newly established Symmetric Records, a record label run by busy musician and producer Bob Katsionis has just announced the beginning of its collaboration with Athens-based modern atmospheric progressive metallers Mask Of Prospero.   Their debut album will be released on March 11th alongside a live performance of the band…

ORANGE GOBLIN Announce New Album Title

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Orange Goblin have finished work on their upcoming new album and are preparing for its summer release. The legendary British rock band holed up at Orgone Studios with producer Jaime Gomez Arellano (Ghost, Grave Pleasures, Paradise Lost, Cathedral) to create their latest opus, titled The Wolf Bites Back. The resulting…

Europe- ”open your heart”

Wonderful when a band giving the audience what it wants …

IRON MAIDEN’s Legacy Of The Beast – The Gunner Cannoneer Attacks; Video

RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Iron Maiden’s Legacy Of The Beast, now available on Android and iOS, have released a new introducing the new character The Gunner Cannonner. Watch below: Developed in close collaboration with Iron Maiden’s management, players take on the role of the band’s iconic mascot, Eddie, in his many forms – each with…

GUNS N’ ROSES – Limited Edition Rock Iconz Statues Available For Pre-Order

RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

The Guns N’ Roses Rock Iconz Set from KnuckleBonz includes all three statues of Axl Rose, Duff McKagan and Slash. Slated to ship this Summer, pre-orders can be placed now at this location. Only 3000 of each statue is made. These are highly exclusive, limited edition collectibles. Each one…

Ghost-Square Hammer Hovet Stockholm 2017


SAXON – Fan-Filmed Video From Cambridge Show Posted

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

UK legends Saxon performed on February 24th at the Corn Exchange in Cambridge. Fan-filmed video is available below. Saxon will be touring with Judas Priest and Black Star Riders across North America, beginning next month. In an interview with Dead Rhetoric, frontman Biff Byford discusses the upcoming trek. Read…

K-Son Reflects On Rock World !


5 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Happy 31st Birthday MANOWAR’s Fighting The World – February 17th, 1987 Happy 68th Birthday Ricky Medlocke (LYNYRD SKYNRYD, BLACKFOOT) – February 17th, 1950   Happy 52nd Birthday Michael Anthony LePond III (SYMPHONY X) – February 17, 1966 Happy 46th Birthday Lars Göran Petrov (ENTOMBED, COMECON) February 17th, 1972 R.I.P. Tomas Börje “Quorthon…

Ghost-Year Zero Hellfest 2016

BLACK LABEL SOCIETY – Teaser #2 For ”A Love Unreal” Video Posted

2 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Black Label Society, led by iconic American guitarist Zakk Wylde, will release a music video on Monday (February 19th) for the track ”A Love Unreal”, from their tenth full length, Grimmest Hits, out now via Entertainment One (eOne). A second teaser for the clip can be seen below. BLS soared…

METALLICA – Professional Audio Recording Of Mannheim Show Available For Pre-Order

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com / 2 hours ago

Metallica have checked in with the following update: ”Mannheim! Thank you so much for a great night at SAP Arena! Relive the (February 16th) show by pre-ordering a professionally mixed audio recording of the show now at Metallica.com or LiveMetallica.com. The setlist on the night was as…

SIX FEET UNDER Announce The Lord Of The Underworld European Tour 2018

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Death Metal masters Six Feet Under return to Europe in May for a round of 10 dates. Comments frontman Chris Barnes:  ”Looking like it’s gonna be a brutal spring in Europe for the fans of Six Feet Under! Don’t miss these shows it’s gonna be intense!” The Lord Of The…

K-Son Reflects On Rock World !

The Sweet Brian Connolly full interview Uk Living 1995 (Fox On The Run) by Brian Connolly’s & Sweet

Look in Brian’s eyes and tell me, is he not drunk, he is high on something…or

PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT – U.S. Release Announced For Sound Of The Wind Album

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Florence, Italy-based occult rock mystics Psychedelic Witchcraft will release their Sound Of The Wind full-length in the US on February 27th via Listenable Records. Order the album at this location. Released to critical-acclaim in Europe late last year, Sound Of The Wind was captured at Elfo Recording…

Loudwire news

Smashing Pumpkins Announce Reunion Tour

enjoy my Spotify list ”Gerras list”

Pearl Jam: Kids ’Deserve’ to Live in a Country Free From Gun Violence

1.3K Loudwire

Pearl Jam make their stance on gun control clear following a mass shooting at a Florida high school that took the lives of 17 people.

VOODOO CIRCLE – New Album Hits Official German Album Charts: ”This Is The Biggest Success In The Band’s History”

5 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Voodoo Circle released their new album, Raised On Rock, on February 9th. Founder / guitarist Alex Beyrodt (Primal Fear) has posted the following update: ”Top 50 chart entry! Raised On Rock hit the Official German Album Charts on #43. This is the biggest success in the band’s history and the band’s…

Anvil Pound The Pavement To London And Forge The Metal At The Underworld

43 Metal Talk RSS Feed

10 unforgettable Judas Priest Moments

10 Nastiest Rock Star Feud

Therion är ett svenskt symphonic metal-/ goth metal-band, som blandar klassisk hårdrock med operasång och en symfoniorkester. Namnet är grekiska för ”vilddjur”.

Therion is a Swedish symphonic metal/goth metal band, which mixes classic hard rock with opera and a Symphony Orchestra. The name is Greek for ”wild beasts”.

Ett väl genomarbetat mästerverk, som bör uppmärksammas, kräver flera lyssningar.

A well worked-out masterpiece, which deserves attention, requires several listening.

Black Stone Cherry – Burnin

Black Stone Cherry är en amerikansk musikgrupp från Edmonton, Kentucky, USA. I juni 2001 bildades Black Stone Cherry officiellt, med gitarristen Ben Wells och basisten Jon Lawhon. Gruppen började spela på klubbar i området.

Black Stone Cherry is an American music group from Edmonton, Kentucky, United States. In June 2001, Black Stone Cherry officially formed with guitarist Ben Wells and bassist Jon Lawhon. The Group began playing at clubs in the area.

Detta glömmer vi säkert bort fort, nej Black Stone Cherry ni måste överraska mer än så. Vi väntar med spänning på dom andra låtarna.

This we forget safely away fast, no Black Stone Cherry you must surprise more than that. We wait with bated breath for the other songs.

Kalmah (the evil kin)

Kalmah är en finskmusikgrupp från Uleåborg[1] grundad 1998.[2] Namnet betyder ungefär ”till döds” på karelska.[3] Kalmah var också en gudinna, som härskade över död och förruttnelse enligt den finska mytologin Kalevala. Musiken, speciellt de senaste utgåvorna, kan kategoriseras som melodisk death metal. Bandet är klassiskt influerat och listar 80-taletsthrash-grupper såsom Megadeth som sina viktigaste inspirationskällor. Själva kallar de sin musik ”swamp metal” då träsk är ett återkommande tema i musiken.

Kalmah is a Finnish band from Oulu [1] founded in 1998. [2] the name means something like ”to death” in Karelian. [3] Kalmah was also a goddess, who ruled over the death and putrefaction according to the Finnish Kalevala mythology. The music, especially the latest editions, can be categorized as melodic death metal. The band are classically influenced and lists the 80 ’s thrash-groups such as Megadeth as his main sources of inspiration. Themselves they call their music ”swamp metal” which swamps are a recurring theme in the music.

Ny musik från finska kalmah (the evil kin) en pig alternativ mello låt (bara skämtar) mycket bra där kalmah en skön låt man gärna återvänder till

New music from Finnish kalmah (the evil kin) a pig options mello song (just joking) very good where kalmah a nice song to return to the

My highlights from YouTube !

Is this an disappointing moments, judge for yourself, not all of it, or…

The history of Iron Maiden part one, enjoy this lovely Maiden ??

In This Moment-Full Concert The Witching Hour Live In Fort Lauderdale, FL 01/26/2018 enjoy this ??moments


Peter Criss Strutter studio in New York City 2017 Wayne Perry on vocals

Marilyn Manson Live at the Aztec Theatre In San Antonio 01/23/18

Paula Jivén framför Michael Jacksons Billy Jean i Talang TV 4 Sverige

Paula Jivén do Michael Jackson’s Billy Jean in Talent TV 4 Sweden

Min Humor, My Humor !


(Source http://corren.se)

Två äldre farbröder var ute och promenerade. När de passerade stora torget upptäckte de två hundar under en kärleksakt.

Då sade den ene till den andre:

– Ska vi gå hem och pröva detta på våra gummor? Sagt och gjort.

Efter några dagar stötte de på varandra igen, och naturligtvis frågade de varandra hur det hade gått.

– Ja, sa den ene farbrorn, jag tyckte det var väldigt svårt att få upp min kärring på alla fyra.

– Jaså, sa den andre, jag tyckte förstås att det var mycket svårare att få ut min kärring på torget

(In English)

Two elderly uncles was out walking. As they passed the main square, they discovered two dogs during an act of love. Then said one to the other:-shall we go home and try this on our old women? Said and done. After a few days they encountered each other again, and of course they asked each other how it had gone. -Yes, said one uncle, I thought it was very difficult to get up my Hag on all four. -Oh, said the other, I thought, of course, that it was much harder to get out my Hag on the square

(Source http://skamt999.se)

K-Son Reflects On Rock World !

DARK BUDDHA RISING To Release II In March; Teaser Streaming

RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Prepare your mind, body, and the deepest recesses of your soul as the black gates that Dark Buddha Rising opened a decade ago with I, shall open once more on March 23rd with the release of the EP entitled II (Neurot Recordings).    On the surface, the band emits the darkest…

(Source http://bravewords.com)

MACHINE HEAD – Catharsis Worldwide Chart Positions Revealed

RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

More chart positions are in from around the globe. Machine Head’s latest album Catharsis debuted #1 on the North American Hard Music Charts, #5 on the Rock Album Charts, and #17 in North America sales-equivalent Top Current Charts besting Bloodstone & Diamonds, Unto The Locust and The Blackening on the…

(Source http://bravewords.com)


-Gerras Best Korn-

SYNAPSE MISFIRE Sign To Horror Pain Gore Death Productions; Losing The War Against The Sands Of Time Album Out In March; Track Streaming

2 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have signed Illinois’ black/thrash grindcore beasts Synapse Misfire and are set to release their debut album entitled Losing The War Against The Sands Of Time March 16th on CD and Digital formats. Hailing from Illinois, Synapse Misfire consists of members from Waco Jesus, Helmsplitter…


8 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

R.I.P. Mark St. John (Mark Leslie Norton; KISS): February 7th, 1956 – April 5th, 2007  Happy 53rd Birthday Jim Durkin (DARK ANGEL, DREAMS OF DAMNATION) – February 7th, 1965    Happy 69th Birthday Alan Charles Lancaster (STATUS QUO) – February 7th, 1949    Happy 56th Birthday David Bryan (BON JOVI) – February 7th, 1962…

(Source http://bravewords.com)

EXODUS Announce Summer Tour Dates For Europe

2 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com



5 – Paris, France – Petit Bain

6 – Aschaffenburg, Germany – Colos-Saal

7 – Mannheim, Germany – MS Connexion Complex

9 – Hauptmannsgrün, Germany – Chronical Moshers Open Air

10 – Katowice, Poland – MegaClub

12 – Berlin, Germany – Lido

13 – Hanover, Germany – Faust

16 – Norrköping, Sweden – Metallsvenskan

17 – Sundsvall, Sweden – Club Deströyer

18 – Stockholm, Sweden – Gröna Lund

20 – Halden, Norway – Tons of Rock

22 – Copenhagen, Denmark – Copenhell

23 – Dessel, Belgium – Graspop Metal Meeting

24 – Clisson, France – Hellfest

26 – Pagney, France – Chez Paulette

27 – Lyon, France – CCO Villeurbanne

28 – Zurich, Switzerland – Dynamo

30 – Verona, Italy – Rock the Castle


1 – Munich, Germany – Backstage

3 – Vienna, Austria – Szene

4 – Budapest, Hungary – Dürer Kert

5 – Prague, Czech Republic – Futurum

6 – Revištske Podzamcie, Slovakia – Gothoom

7 – Ballenstedt, Germany – Rockharz Open Air

9 – Kassel, Germany – K19

10 – Utrecht, Netherlands – TivoliVredenburg

11 – Hamburg, Germany – Logo

12 – Balingen, Germany – Bang Your Head!!!

13 – Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany – Dong Open Air

14 – Viveiro, Spain – Resurrection Fest

(Source http://bravewords.com)

Min Humor, My Humor !

Hälge !

(Source http://corren.se)

En taxichaufför körde runt i stan när han plötsligt såg en blondin vinka. Han stannade och hon hoppade in.

– Vart ska du? frågade han.

– Rådmansgatan 12, svarade blondinen.

– Inga problem, sa taxichaufförn och körde dit.

När de kom fram sa blondinen att hon skulle gå in och festa och att han kunde stå där och vänta tills hon kände för att åka hem. När hon några timmar senare kom tillbaka bad hon om ett kvitto och han körde till hennes hemadress.

– Det blir 980 kr, sa chauffören när de stannat.

– Här är kvittot, sa blondinen.

– Vad menar du?

– Jag utnyttjar min ångerrätt och lämnar tillbaka den här åkturen. Allt som har kvitto går ju att lämna tillbaka…

(In English)

A taxi driver drove around town when he suddenly saw a blonde waving he stopped and she jumped in-where are you? He asked-rådmansgatan 12, ”replied the blonde-no problem, said taxichaufförn and drove there when they arrived, said the blonde that she would go in and party and that he could stand there and wait until she knew to go home a few hours later when she came back, she asked if a receipt and he drove to her home address-it will be 980 kr, said driver when they stopped-Here is the receipt, said the blonde-What do you mean? -I use my right of withdrawal and return this ride. All receipt is return

(Source http://skamt999.se)

2018-02-08 Dagens utvalda värdelösa vetande:

2018-02-08 today’s featured useless knowledge:


1969 var det år den amerikanska rymdfarkosten Apollo 11 förde den första människan till månen. Styrsystemet i farkosten var inte lika avancerat som de datorer som idag finns i vanliga miniräknare.

1969 was the year the U.S. spacecraft Apollo 11 took the first man to the moon. The control system of the craft was not as advanced as the computers today see common calculator.


Q-kontinuiteten är en en parallell existens i Star Treks fiktiva universum där rasen Q lever. Q är en ras av näst intill odödliga, gudalika varelser.

Q-continuity is a parallel existence in the Star Trek fictional universe where the breed Q live. Q is a race of near-immortal, godlike beings.


Världens längsta tidsenhet är hinduernas kalpa. Den är lika med 4,32 miljarder år. En kalpa är den tid det tar att nöta ner Himalaya genom att gnida på den enorma bergskedjan med en silkestråd.

The longest unit of time is the Hindu kalpa. It is equal to 4.32 billion years. A kalpa is the time it takes to wear down the Himalayas by rubbing on the huge mountain range with a silk thread.

(Source http://goxa.se)

Ved, Wood…

Idag blev lite gjort, ved skulle in, ska ju jobba i två dygn då måste sambon ha så det räcker till.

Today was a bit done, wood would in, is supposed to work for two days then have my partner so it is sufficient to

En god vinter dag med några minus grader, ganska behagligt att vara ute.

A good winter day with a few degrees below zero, quite comfortable to be out.


Jobb, jobb, Work, work !

Den senaste tiden har varit lite jobbig, mitt jobb i Eksjö tar väldigt mycket av mig just nu för mycket, den där väggen folk talar om syns inte än men den börjar dyka upp i tankarna, den ska tydligen vara lätt att gå in i när det känns tungt.

The recent past has been a bit annoying, my job in Eksjö takes very much of me right now too much, that wall people talk about is not visible yet, but it will start showing up in the tanks, it will apparently be easy to go into when it feels heavy.

Men bättre tider ska väl komma, tur är ju att den ljuvliga musiken finns, ni tycker väl om den, för min del är det heavy metal som gäller, den har tagit mig ur många tunga stunder, idag har vi Spotify som har kommit som en räddande ängel måste man väl ändå säga, under följer en lista jag har på Spotify följ gärna med, välkommen.

But better times will come, tour is of course to the lovely music, you think well about it, for my part, it is heavy metal, it has taken me out of many heavy moments, today we have Spotify, which has come as an Angel must surely say , below is a list I have on Spotify, follow with, welcome

Gerras List

Min Humor, My Humor !

Hälge !

(Source http://corren.se)

Han satt i klubbhuset vid golfbanan och såg bedrövad ut, och om man tittade närmare kunde man också se en jättelik bula i bakhuvudet.

En god vän kom fram till honom och frågade vad som hade hänt:

Jo, jag gick banan runt som vanligt. Men när jag kom till 8:e hålet, råkade jag slå en boll ut i ruffen. När jag letade efter den stötte jag på en snygg brud som också hade slagit bort sin boll fast från ett annat hål. Jag hittade snart min egen boll och slog tillbaka denna in på banan, men så tänkte jag att jag kunde hjälpa till att hitta brudens boll. När jag gick där och letade så såg jag en golfboll skymta i hagen intill. Den låg på en grästuva precis bredvid svansen på en ko. Jag hoppade över staketet och gick fram till kon lyfte upp svansen så att man fick fri insyn och ropade till tjejen:

– Hörrudu, ser din ut så här?

Då gav hon mig en jävla smäll..

(In English)

He sat in the clubhouse at the golf course and looked saddened, and if you looked closer you could also see a huge bulge in the back of my head a good friend came up to him and asked what had happened: well, I walked the course around as usual But when I got to 8 hole, I happened to hit a ball out of the rough When I looked for it, I stumbled on a great looking babe who also had knocked away his ball hooked from another hole I soon found my own ball and beat back this up at the track but then I thought that I could help find the bride’s ball when I went there and looked, I saw a golf ball to glimpse in the pasture next to. It was on a grästuva right next to the tail of a cow I jumped over the fence and walked up to the cow lifted up the tail so that it got free transparency and called out to the girl:-Hörrudu, see your like this? Then she gave me a fucking slap

(Source http://skrattportalen.se)

2018-02-06 Dagens utvalda värdelösa vetande:

2018-02-06 today’s featured useless knowledge:

Los Angeles

Los Angeles hela namn är ”El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula” och kan förkortas ner till 3,63% av sin storlek: ”LA”.

Los Angeles ’ full name is ”El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula” and can be abbreviated down to 3.63% of its size: ”LA”


Vid en folkräkning på Nya Zeeland år 1966 visade det sig att det fanns inte mindre än 94 olika sekter med bara en medlem – eller ledare om man så vill.

At a census in New Zealand in 1966, it appeared that there were no less than 94 different sects, with only one Member or leader, if you will.


Under andra världskriget avslöjade tyskarna åtskilliga amerikanska spioner genom att studera hur de åt. Amerikaner har nämligen för vana att skära hela biffen i småbitar innan de börjar äta den.

During World War II the Germans revealed several American spies by studying how they ate. Americans have a habit of cutting the entire steak into small pieces before they start to eat it.

(Source http://goxa.se)

Min Humor, My Humor !

Hälge !

(Source http://corren.se)

Fader dator som är i centralen

helgad vare din skärm

tillkomme ditt tangentbord

ske din vilja såsom i minnet

så och på printern

Vår dagliga lista giv oss idag

och förlåt oss våra misstag

trots att vi icke förlåta dem

som har programmerat fel

Låtom oss inte ha långa svarstider

och fräls oss ifrån dumpar

ty företaget är ditt och

makten och personalen

i evighet


(In English)

The father of computer which is in the Central sacred either your screen thy keyboard thy will be done, such as in memory and on the printer give us today our daily list and forgive us our mistakes even though we cannot forgive those who have programmed the wrong let us not have slow response time you and deliver us from the dumps because the company is your and the power, and the staff of eternity Enter

(Source http://skamt999.se)

Ett medelålders par från norra USA längtade efter en kall vinter till värmen och bestämde sig för att åka ner till Florida och bo på hotellet, där de tillbringade bröllopsnatten tjugo år tidigare. Mannen hade en längre ledighet och åkte ner en dag i förväg. När han checkade in upptäckte han att hotellet hade en dator och han beslutade sig därför för att skicka ett mejl till sin hustru.Tyvärr missade han en bokstav i namnet. Mejlet hamnade därför hos en prästänka i Houston, som just kommit hem från makens begravning och skulle kolla om det kommit epost med kondoleanser från släkt och vänner. Sonen fann henne något senare avsvimmad vid datorn och läste på skärmen:

Till min älskade hustru. Jag har just kommit fram. Jag vet att blir förvånad över att höra från mig, men numera har dom datorer här och man tillåts skicka mejl till sina nära och kära. Jag har just checkat in. Allt är förberett för din ankomst i morgon. Jag ser fram emot att träffa dig och hoppas att din resa blir lika problemfri som min. P.S. Det är verkligen hett här nere.

(In English)

A middle-aged couple from the northern United States longed for a cold winter to the heat and decided to go down to Florida and stay in the hotel, where they spent their wedding night twenty years earlier, the man had a longer leave and went down a day in advance When he checked in, he discovered that the hotel had a computer and he decided to send an e-mail to his wife, Unfortunately, he missed one letter in the name of the E-mail ended up because of a priest’s widow in Houston, who has just returned home from her husband’s funeral and would check if it got email with condolences from friends and family. The son found her slightly later having fainted at the computer and read on screen: to my beloved wife I have just come back I know will be surprised to hear from me, but now they have computers here and you are allowed to send email to their friends and loved ones I have just checked everything is prepared for your arrival tomorrow I look forward to meeting you and hope that your trip will be as trouble free as my P’s it’s really hot down here

(Source http://skamt999.se)

2018-02-05 Dagens utvalda värdelösa vetande:

2018-02-05 today’s featured useless knowledge:


Atacamaöknen i Sydamerika är troligen den torraste platsen på jorden. Där regnar det mycket sällan eller aldrig. I delar av öknen har det inte regnat på över 400 år.


Nya djurarter kan påträffas på de märkligaste ställen. En ny myrart hittade man i en krukväxt på sextonde våningen i en tysk kontorsbyggnad.

New animal species can be found in the strangest places. A new species of Ant found in a potted plant on the sixteenth floor of a German office building.


Det finns över 30 000 olika sorters rosor, och man korsar ständigt fram nya varianter för att tillfredsställa den stora marknad som dessa vackra blommor har.

There are over 30 000 different species of roses, and you cross constantly develop new varieties to satisfy the huge market that these beautiful flowers.

(Source http://goxa.se)

K-Son Reflects On Rock World ??

GODLESS TRUTH Return From Hiatus, New Album Announced

1 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Czech death metallers Godless Truth mixing technical, progressive, brutal and traditional directions of death genre together have a great news for all fans.  After hundreds shows, few European tours (with bands like Disgorge, Vomit Remnants, Malignancy), one Japanese tour and few years of silence the pre-production of successor of…

(Source http://bravewords.com)

ROGER DALTREY, DEF LEPPARD Among Acts Confirmed For Teenage Cancer Trust Shows At Royal Albert Hall

2 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

The Who frontman Roger Daltrey and Def Leppard are among the acts confirmed for this year’s Teenage Cancer Trust shows at London’s Royal Albert Hall. The fundraisers run from March 19th – 25th. Roger Daltrey and special guests headline on Thursday, March 22nd, while Def Leppard close the series, headline on…

(Source http://bravewords.com)


2 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Happy 48th Birthday RICHIE KOTZEN (MR. BIG, POISON) – February 3rd, 1970   Happy 71st Birthday Dave Davies (THE KINKS) – February 3rd, 1947    Happy 37th Birthday RAINBOW’s Difficult To Cure – February 3rd, 1981    Happy 12th Birthday IN FLAMES’ Come Clarity – February 3rd, 2006    Happy 9th Birthday CANNIBAL CORPSE – Evisceration Plague – February 3rd…

(Source http://bravewords.com)

DAVE MUSTAINE Talks METALLICA Classic ”The Four Horsemen” – ”The Bastardized Version Of LYNYRD SKYNYRD’s ’Sweet Home Alabama’ Thanks To CLIFF BURTON”

13 RSS News Feed – Bravewords.com

Once you hear it, you can’t un-hear it. In the clip below, Megadeth founder Dave Mustaine tells Eddie Trunk how a Lynyrd Skynyrd riff made its way into a Metallica song… Hear the full interview here. Dave Mustaine, founder of Megadeth – who, along with Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax, are…

(Source Bravewords.com)

Ny video med Sabaton


SABATON har släppt en video till låten ”The Last Stand”.

SABATON has released a video for the song ”The Last Stand”.


Veckans video: Therion – Theme of Antichrist


Låten är hämtad från THERIONs nya album ”Beloved Antichrist” som släpps på fredag (9 feb) via Nuclear Blast.

The song is taken from the new album from 2001 ”Beloved Antichrist” released on Friday (9 feb) via Nuclear Blast.

Min Humor, My Humor !


(Source http://corren.se)

Det var två sekreterare som stod i en hiss, så såg dom en spermafläck på golvet. Då böjde sig den ene ner och petade lite i det och smakade… och så sa hon:

– Det är ingen från kontoret i alla fall.

(In English)

There were two Secretaries who was standing in an elevator, so saw them a sperm stain on the floor. When bent one down and poked a bit in it and tasted … and so she said:-There is no one from the Office in all cases.

(Source http://skamt999.se)

Den berömde afrikaresenären och forskaren håller en föreläsning för speciellt inbjudna.

Han berättar bland annat om en stam, som han stött på i urskogen.

– Deras kärleksritualer är mycket intressanta, berättar han. När männen vill ha en kvinna målar de sig med starka färger över hela kroppen och frambringar parningsrop som kan höras på mycket långt håll. Och forskaren demonstrerar med ett avgrundsvrål, som får blodet att isas i ådrorna. När ropet tystnat öppnas dörren och forskarens hustru sticker in huvudet och säger:

– Ropade du, älskling?

(In English)

The famous afrikaresenären and the researcher holds a lecture for specially invited.

He tells among other things about a trunk, which he encountered in the primeval forest.

-Their love rituals are very interesting, ”he says. When men want a woman paint themselves with bright colors all over the body and brings forth the mating cry that can be heard at very long range. And the researcher demonstrates with a bloodcurdling scream, which gets the blood run cold in the veins. When vogue quietened opened the door and the researcher’s wife sticks her head and say, ”Shouted you, Darling?

(Source http://skamt999.se)

2018-02-04 Dagens utvalda värdelösa vetande:

Today’s featured useless knowledge:

Charlie Chaplin

Då Charlie Chaplin hade blivit känd för sina filmer var det massor av människor som klädde ut sig och uppträdde som han. Det ordnades till och med Charlie Chaplin-look-alike-tävlingar. Chaplin var själv med i en – och blev trea!

(In English)

When Charlie Chaplin had become known for their films, it was a ton of people who dressed and behaved as he. It was arranged even Charlie Chaplin look-alike contests. Chaplin himself was in a and was third.


Det är okänt vem kom på att i telefon anropa motparten med ett ”hallå”. Telefonens uppfinnare Alexander Graham Bell sade själv alltid ”ohoj” när han ringde upp någon.

(In English)

It is unknown who came up with that in the phone call the other party with a ”Hello”. Telephone’s inventor Alexander Graham Bell himself always said ”Ahoy” when he called someone up.


Det finns över 30 000 olika sorters rosor, och man korsar ständigt fram nya varianter för att tillfredsställa den stora marknad som dessa vackra blommor har.

(In English)

There are over 30 000 different species of roses, and you cross constantly develop new varieties to satisfy the huge market that these beautiful flowers.

(Source http://goxa.se)

Min Humor, My Humor…


(Source http://corren.se)

Små norrmän har också öron.

Skjut dig själv och skit i andra.

Den som söker har finnar.

Utan krök blir vägen rak.

Väck inte den som sover.

Den som inget gör ska inte heller arbeta.

Rika barn leka bäst.

Den som dricker ensam har bara sig själv att fylla.

Man saknar inte bensinen förrän tanken är tom.

Ett ägg gör ingen omelett.

Man ska inte raka en man i hans frånvaro.

Har man slagit yxan i båten får man ro som fan.

Vad en norrman vet är inte värt att veta.

Den man älskar jagar man.

Gräv inte en grop åt andra. De hittar bara olja där uti.

Man ska anpassa farten efter hastigheten.

Man ska aldrig cykla långt med en låst cykel.

Har man gett fan i båten får man ha den på land.

Man ska inte lägga lök på faxen.

Bättre en norrman i skogen än tio på krogen.

Först till kran får först skvala.

Ett fult spratt förlänger kivet.

Fyll aldrig mer i tanken än vad som går åt.

Att skiljas är adjö en smula.

Hellre en tankad norsk än en torskad tank.

Det är inget ont att ha en norrman med sig.

Om man behöver bra kläder är det dåligt väder.

I havet går de största fiskarna.

8:e budet: Du skall icke bära färskt vetebröd i din väska.

En ren huvudkudde är det bästa samvetet.

Med en motorsåg slipper du sitta länge på grenen.

Den som väntar på nån väntar alltid för länge.

Man saknar inte skidorna förrän man står på toppen.

Den som gräver en grop åt andra får mycket att stå i.

Fult är att lugga en skallig.

Det är som att leta efter en knappnål mellan två höstackar.

En naken man är inte rädd för ficktjuvar.

Om inte du mår bra finns det andra som gör det.

Ropa inte hej förrän du behöver ett bäcken.

Rom bryggdes inte på en dag.

Vi sitter alla på samma bår.

Man ska inte kasta pil i gummibåt.

Liten stuga kallas ofta stort dass.

Tomma banker skramla mest.

Det gäller att smäda medan hjärnan är varm.

Man ska inte gå över ån på efternatten.

Den som rapar mitt i stycket stör de andra ganska mycket.

Man ska inte kasta ägg i hönshus.

Den som väntar på något grått väntar aldrig för länge.

Det passar som fisken i handsken.

Man ska inte kasta vatten i glashus.

Olika falla flygets Lottor.

Blod är rödare än vatten.

Gammal kärlek rostar alltid.

Den som finner han hittar.

Bättre bly än illa fäkta.

Har man tagit far i båten får man roa honom ibland.

Gråt inte över spillolja.

En bra karl står vid sitt bord.

Han har bränt sig i ändan med båda ljusen.

Bättre en strömmingsfienlig främling än en främlingfientlig strömming.

Egen flärd är guld värd.

Den som är far han har.

Friskt kopplat hälften brunnet.

Hellre en flaska i handen än en dunk i ryggen.

(In English)

Small Norwegians also have ears Shoot yourself and shit in the other The seeking has pimples Without bend becomes the road straight to wake the sleeping it as nothing makes should not work Rich kids play best On that drink alone has only himself to fill we miss not gasoline sooner than the tank is empty an egg makes no omelet you should not shave a man in his absence has turned the axe in the boat to get quiet as hell What a North you know is not worth knowing to love someone chasing You Dig not a pit for others they find only oil where uti To adjust the speed according to the speed you should never ride far with a locked bicycle. Have you given the hell in the boat may have it on the country one should not put onions on your fax machine Better a Norwegian in the Woods than ten at the pub First to tap first skvala an ugly prank extends kivet never fill more in the tank than to be separated is goodbye a little Rather a refuelled Norwegian than a torskad tank it is no harm to have a Norwegian with them if you need good clothes is the bad weather at sea is the largest fish 8th Commandment: thou shalt not carry fresh bread in your bag a clean pillow is the best conscience With a motorså g you don’t have to sit too long on the branch. The waiting for someone is always waiting for a long time It is not the skis until one stands atop The digging a pit for others, much to be Ugly is that lugga a bald it’s like looking for a PIN between two haystacks, a naked man is not afraid of ficktju If you were not doing well, there are others who do it don’t Shout Hello until you need a pelvic Rome were not on a day we are all in the same boat you should not throw the arrow in a rubber boat small cottage is often called large toilet Empty banks rattle most to revile while h the core is hot. One should not go over the River in the heart of friendly belches paragraph disrupts other pretty much one should not throw eggs in the hen house to those who wait too long waiting for The grey never fit as the fish in the glove you should not throw water in glass houses Different fall flight of Lot Tor Blood is redder than water Old love rusts are always the one who finds he can find Better lead than bad fence Has taken the father in the boat, to amuse him sometimes do not weep over waste oil a good man standing at his table he has burned out at the end with both lights Better a strömmin gsfienlig stranger than a stranger hosting herring. Own frivolity is worth its weight in gold is the father he has Healthy linked half burnt Rather a bottle in the hand than a dunk in the back

(Source http://skamt999.se)

K-Son Reflects On Rock World ??

We never going to forget Slayer, here they are from http://loudwire.com

and from http://watchmojo.com

FEAR FACTORY Guitarist DINO CAZARES ”About Halfway Done” Writing Solo Album; Video Interview

This past weekend, Fear Factory guitarist Dino Cazares attended the NAMM show in Anaheim, California where he was interviewed by Heavy New York. In the video below, Cazares provides a progress report on his as yet untitled, upcoming solo album.

”I’m working on a new solo record. I’m about halfway done. Once I get done with the writing, I do want to get a drummer and, of course, a bass player and, of course, a singer. But I like to write the music and have stuff ready to go before I actually pick the musicians who I want to come in and maybe collaborate a little bit later on, or add a little bit of their flavor. It depends on who I get.”

”I don’t really like to stray from what I normally do. People know me as being a heavy artist, people know me for my right hand. I’m not exactly the kind of guy who’s gonna go out and try to do a rock album or a hip-hop album or nothing like that. No country record, nothing like that. I like to do what I do. Metal’s in my heart and speed riffing is my thing, and that’s what I love to do. I’m not saying it’s gonna be the ’same ol’, same ol’.’ Of course I’m going to try to take it to somewhere different, but people are gonna know what to expect from me, and I’m okay with that.”

(Source http://bravewords.com)

K.K. Downing to Release ’Heavy Duty: Days and Nights in Judas Priest’ Memoir

The ex-Judas Priest guitarist’s book will take a look at everything behind the scenes from the music to the business to inter-band relationships.

(Source http://loudwire.com)


Legendary rock musicians Jeff Beck and Paul Rodgers have announced they will join forces for the Stars Align Tour, their co-headlining summer outing with Ann Wilson of Heart. Produced by Live Nation, the outing kicks off July 18th in West Valley City, Utah, and will stop in cities across the US and Canada including Los Angeles, Dallas, St. Louis, Chicago, Toronto, Tampa, and more. The full listing of tour dates can be found below.

(Source http://bravewords.com)


En desperat kvinna vänder sig till sin tidigare älskare, som är en expert på det ockulta, när hennes rika make förbannas genom en mystisk medaljong.

A desperate woman turns to his former lover, who is an expert on the occult, when her wealthy husband are cursed by a mysterious Medallion.

Så här usel och förutsägbar och långt ifrån trovärdig får inte en film bli, bortkastad tid…

So this shoddy and predictable and far from credible, not a film be, wasted time …

Min Humor, My humor…

Hälge !

(Source http://corren.se)

Min underbara flickvän och jag hade varit tillsammans i nästan 2 år när jag friade till henne och hon tackade ja.

Det fanns tyvärr ett litet problem! Problemet var hennes vackra och sexiga yngre syster. 22 år, bar alltid tajta, sexiga kläder och var oftast utan bh. Hon böjde sig ofta fram när hon var nära mig, och jag fick alltid se mer än jag än som kanske är lämpligt av hennes privata delar. Jag blev snabbt helt säker på att det var helt medvetet, hon gjorde det aldrig i närheten av någon annan.

En dag ringde lillasystern och bad mig komma över för att se över bröllopsinbjudningarna. Hon var ensam när jag kom dit, och hon viskade till mig att hon hade känslor och längtan för mig som hon inte kunde komma över. Hon sa att hon ville älska med mig bara en gång innan jag gifte mig och tillägnade mitt liv till hennes syster.

Jag var i chock, och kunde inte säga ett ord. Hon sa. Jag går upp till sovrummet, och om du vill ha en sista vild svängom, följ med upp och ta mig.

Jag var som förstenad när jag såg henne gå uppför trapporna. När hon kom ända upp drog hon av sig trosorna och kastade dem nedför trapporna mot mig. Jag stod där förstenad en kort stund, sen vände jag om och sprang rakt mot ytterdörren. Jag öppnade dörren och sprang vidare mot min bil.

Men gissa vad, hela min blivande familj stod där ute och klappade händerna.

Med tårar i ögonen kramade min styvfar mig och sa Vi är verkligen glada att du har klarat vårt lilla test… Vi kunde inte önska en bättre man till vår dotter. Välkommen till familjen!

Och sensmoralen i den här historien är: Förvara alltid dina kondomer i bilen.

(In English)

My lovely girlfriend and I had been together for almost 2 years when I proposed to her and she accepted there was unfortunately a little problem! The problem was her beautiful and sexy younger sister, age 22, always wore tight, sexy outfits and were usually without bra She bent often presented when she was near me, and I got to always see more than I that might be suitable to her private parts I quickly became quite sure (a) TT it was quite deliberately, she never made it near any other one day little sister called and asked me to come over to see over the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and longing for me that she couldn’t come over she said she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and dedicated my life to her sister i was in shock , and couldn’t say a word she said I go up to the bedroom, and if you want one last wild fling, join up and take me I was petrified when I watched her go up the stairs when she got up, she pulled off her panties and threw them down the stairs towards the me I stood petrified for a short time, since I turned about and ran straight towards the front door. I opened the door and ran to my car But guess what, my entire future family stood out there and clapped his hands With tears in his eyes squeezed my stepfather me and said we are really happy that you have passed our little test We could not wish for a better man to our do Insert the Welcome to the family! And the moral of this story is: always keep your condoms in your car

(Source http://skamt999.se)

K-Son Reflects On Rock World ??

Satriani Guitar Method Episode 2: Combining Chords & Licks; Video

Guitar World presents The Joe Satriani Guitar Method. In the second episode, the virtuoso guitarist himself discusses how to combine chords and licks in your playing. New episodes every Monday through February 26th. Watch Episode 1 below: Joe Satriani’s 16th studio album, What Happens Next, debuted at #9 on Billboard’s…

(Source http://bravewords.com)

STEVEN TYLER’s Grammy Party Raises $2.4 Million For Victims Of Sexual Abuse

The Grammys were held in New York this year but the awards were still celebrated in L.A., reports Steve Baltin for Forbes. The biggest, best and most important shindig of Grammy night In L.A. was courtesy of Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler, who teamed with Live Nation for his first-ever Grammy viewing party at RED Studios in Hollywood.

(Source http://bravewords.com)

BLACK LABEL SOCIETY’s Grimmest Hits Is The #1 Hard Music Album In The US; Other Billboard Chart Positions Revealed

Black Label Society, led by iconic American guitarist Zakk Wylde, released their tenth full length, Grimmest Hits, on January 19th via Entertainment One (eOne). BLS soared into the charts with the new LP, which has landed at #4 on the Billboard Current Charts, the highest charting LP since Order Of The Back released back in 2009.

(Source http://bravewords.com)

My own list on Spotify ”Gerras list” join me

on my trip I metal music

Jonathan Davis Announces Debut Solo Headlining Tour

Jonathan Davis is set to release his first ever solo album this year, under his own name. Last week, he released his first single “What It Is,” and today he’s announced a headlining world tour that will take him through both North America and Europe this spring.

April 6 – Portland, Ore. @ Crystal Ballroom

April 7- Seattle, Wash. @ Showbox

April 9 – Vancouver, BC @ Commodore

April 10 – Spokane, Wash. @ Knitting Factory

April 12 – Sacramento, Calif. @ Ace Of Spades

April 13 – Los Angeles, Calif. @ Belasco

April 16-  San Diego, Calif. @ House Of Blues

April 18 – San Francisco, Calif. @ Fillmore

April 20 – Tempe, Ariz. @ Ufest

April 21- Albuquerque, N.M. @ Sunshine Theater

April 22 – Denver, Colo. @ Ogden Theater

April 24 – Dallas, Texas @ Gas Monkey Live

April 25 – Houston, Texas @ Warehouse Live

April 26 – Oklahoma City, Okla. @ Diamond Ballroom

May 1 – Kansas City, Mo. @ Truman Theater

May 4 – Milwaukee, Wis. @ The Rave

May 5 – Detroit, Mich. @ The Majestic

May 6 – Chicago, Ill. @ House Of Blues

May 8 – Cincinnati, Ohio @ Bogarts

May 9 – Cleveland, Ohio @ House Of Blues

May 11 – Portland, Maine @ Aura

May 12 – New York, N.Y. @ Irving Plaza

May 14 – Orlando, Fla. @ The Plaza Live

May 15 – Atlanta, Ga. @ Variety Playhouse

May 17 – Silver Spring, Md. @ Fillmore

May 18 – Boston, Mass. @ House Of Blues

Read More: Jonathan Davis Announces Debut Solo Headlining Tour | http://loudwire.com/jonathan-davis-announces-debut-solo-headlining-tour/?trackback=tsmclip

Alias Grace season 1 episode 2

Grace berättar hur hon förutspåtts en hemsk framtid, och beskriver vad som hände med hennes vän, den levnadsglada Mary Whitney.

Grace tells how she predicted a dire future, and describes what happened to her friend, the vivacious Mary Whitney.

Grace fortsätter berätta om sitt tragiska liv.

Grace continues to talk about his tragic life.


Min Humor, My Humor…

Hälge !

(Source http://corren.se)

En nunna var en sen kväll på väg hem efter ett trevlig stund i kyrkliga syföreningen. Hon var lite bekymrad över den sena timmen och tog en genväg genom Stadsparken, mörk och farlig. Givetvis sprang hon rakt i armarna på en våldtäktsman och blev våldtagen. När han var färdig frågade han om hon tänkte berätta för någon vad som hänt.

– Jo, sa nunnan, jag skall berätta för priorinnan att jag har blivit våldtagen två gånger. Vad menar du, sa våldtäktsmannen, jag gjorde det bara en gång!

Jag vet, svarade nunnan och neg, men om snälla busen vill så…

(In English)

A nun was a late night on the way home after a nice time in church syföreningen. She was a bit concerned about the lateness of the hour and took a shortcut through the Town Park, dark and dangerous. Of course she ran straight into the arms of a rapist and were violated. When he was finished, he asked if she was going to tell anyone what had happened.

-Jo, said the nun, I shall tell authorized the Prioress I’ve been sodomized twice. What do you mean, ’ said the rapist, I did it just once!

I know, replied the nun and the neg, but if please rough would so. ..

(Source http://skamt999.se)

Voice from the Stone !

När en sjuksköterska försöker hjälpa en liten pojke att komma sin mammas död börjar hon misstänka att mystiska krafter är i rörelse.

When a nurse trying to help a little boy to get his mother’s death, she begins to suspect that the mysterious forces are in motion.

Denna film går som rysare, men borde vara en kärleks historia. Oerhört gripande och välspelad film, på gränsen till erotisk periodvis, har du inte sett den, se den.

This film is as thrilled, but should be a love story. Extremely touching and well-played video, erotic periodically, you haven’t seen it, see it.

Ledig dag, day of…

Nu var det ett antal dagar sedan jag sist uppdaterade något personligt, har varit på jobbet den mesta tiden, idag är en helt ledig dag då jag varit ute och upplevt dagsljus det var länge sedan, även om det bara var för att gå ut med sopporna, det blir ju så när man jobbar natt.

Now it was a few days ago I last updated something personal, have been at work most of the time, today is a whole day off when I have been out and experienced the natural light it was a long time ago, even if it was just to go out with the garbage , it becomes so when you work night.

Några bilder, some pictures.


K-Son Reflects On Rock World !

NITA STRAUSS Named First Ever Female Ibanez Signature Artist

”It’s real,” says a super-excited Nita Strauss; who just happens to currently play guitar for Alice Cooper.

”You are officially looking at the first ever female Ibanez signature artist. After years of dreaming, hoping and working, followed by months of planning and preparation… I am honored and proud to introduce my signature guitar, the Ibanez Jiva.”

”This beauty will be sold worldwide and comes equipped exactly how I play it live, including brand new signature DiMarzio pickups meticulously designed by yours truly.”

”When I had my first meeting with Ibanez in September of 2008, they asked me why they should add me to the artist roster. My (typically emotional) answer was… All my heroes are Ibanez players. It’s a dream come true for me to just come and meet you guys. If you don’t want to give me an endorsement, I’ll still play my Ibanez guitars proudly, but it would be a huge honor to join the family and represent the company officially.”

”They took a chance on a basically unknown girl from LA (I was actually the only girl on the USA roster at that time) and coming up on my 10th amazing year as an Ibanez artist, words cannot express how honored and thrilled I am to now join the ranks of my greatest heroes as a signature artist.”

(Source http://bravewords.com)


More releases on this day:

Happy 12th Birthday NORTHER’s Till Death Unites Us – January 25th, 2006

Happy 10th Birthday

ALESTORM’s Captain Morgan’s Revenge – January 25th, 2008

AYREON’s 01011001 – January 25th, 2008

BRAINSTORM’s Downburst – January 25th, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday

DEATHBOUND’s Non Compos Mentis – January 25th, 2010

DREAM EVIL’s In The Night – January 25th, 2010

IN MOURNING’s Monolith – January 25th, 2010

MYRATH’s Desert Call – January 25th, 2010

ORPHANED LAND’s The Never Ending Way Of ORWarriOR – January 25th, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday

THE BRONX CASKET CO.’s Antihero – January 25th, 2011

ULCERATE’s The Destroyers Of All – January 25th, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday WITCHMASTER’s Smierc – January 25th, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday

CONVULSE’s Inner Evil – January 25th, 2013

CULT OF LUNA’s Vertikal – January 25th, 2013

DREAMSHADE’s The Gift Of Life – January 25th, 2013

HATEBREED’s The Divinity Of Purpose – January 25th, 2013

KOLDBRANN’s Vertigo – January 25th, 2013

JORN LANDE’s Symphonic – January 25th, 2013

PINK CREAM 69’s Ceremonial – January 25th, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday HATE’s Crusade:Zero – January 25th, 2015

Dimmu Borgir to Unleash First Album in Eight Years ’Eonian’

It’s about time, Dimmu Borgir! The Norwegian black metallers will release their first album in eight years, Eonian, later this year.

After putting out albums on a very regular basis since 1995, Dimmu Borgir went through a very uncharacteristic dry spell since 2010’s Abrahadabra. Vocalist Shagrath and guitarists Silenoz and Galder remain as Dimmu’s songwriting core for Eonian, while drummer Daray and keyboardist Gerlioz remain part of the team. Gaute Storaas helped with choral arrangements for the album, sung by the Schola Cantrum Choir.

“Time, when not approaching it from the construct we’re used to can’t be defined and thus it is illusory,” explains Silenoz. “There’s only an ‘eternal now,’ which the album title is already hinting at. When we travel between the worlds seen and unseen, the perception of time ceases to exist, it has no function. Our energy is our torch and our compass when we make rifts and pierce through the veil — when we go beyond.”

Silenoz also claims the 10-track album will feel “more epic and majestic” while harnessing the “brutal” and “primitive” black metal sound of Dimmu Borgir.

Eonian represents the illusion of time, everything that is and always has been,” adds Shagrath. “For us, it also marks the 25th anniversary of Dimmu Borgir and the album itself is a tribute to our own history and the Norwegian black metal history.”

Dimmu Borgir’s Eonian will be released May 4 via Nuclear Blast. Fans can pre-order Eonianhere. The album’s first single, “Interdimensional Summit,” will hit fans on Feb. 23, so get excited for some new Dimmu!

Dimmu Borgir, Eonian Album Cover

Read More: Dimmu Borgir to Unleash First Album in Eight Years ’Eonian’ | http://loudwire.com/dimmu-borgir-new-album-eonian/?trackback=tsmclip

SABATON Release Official Live Video For ”The Last Stand”

Sabaton has released an official live video for ”The Last Stand”, featuring footage shot during the band’s The Last Tour. Watch below: Sabaton are uniting with German thrash titans and label mates Kreator for the ultimate North American co-headlining trek. The 24-date tour kicks off on Thursday, February…

(Source http://bravewords.com)

Min Humor, My Humor…

Hälge !

(Source http://corren.se)

Det var rättegång uppe i Gällivare och åklagaren kallade sitt första vittne, en äldre farmor, till vittnesbåset. Han gick fram till henne och frågade:

– Fru Johansson… vet ni vem jag är?

Hon svarade glatt:

– Javisst, jag vet vem du är, herr Karlsson. Jag har känt dig sedan du var en liten pojke, och ärligt talat så är du en besvikelse för mig. Du ljuger, bedrar din fru, manipulerar folk och pratar bakom ryggen på dem. Du tror du är en storfräsare när du i själva verket inte har hjärna nog att inse att du aldrig kommer att bli mer än en halvdan pappersvändare. Jo du, jag vet allt vem du är.

Åklagaren häpnade och i brist på bättre pekade han tvärs över rummet och stammade:

– Fru Johansson… vet ni då vem försvarsadvokaten är?

Hon svarade småleende:

– Javisst gör jag det… Jag har ju känt herr Bölde sedan barnsben. Han är en lat bigott med alkoholproblem. Han kan inte ha ett normalt förhållande med någon och han är en av landskapets sämsta advokater, för att inte tala om att han bedrog sin hustru med tre olika kvinnor.En av dem var din fru. JA, jag vet allt vem han är.

Försvarsadvokaten dog nästan….

Nu kallade domaren till sig både åklagare och försvarsadvokat och viskande hotfull till dem:

– Om någon av herrarna frågar henne om hon vet vem domaren är, så skickar jag er båda till elektriska stolen.

(In English)

It was the trial up in Gällivare and the prosecution called its first witness, an elderly grandmother, to the witness stand He went up to her and asked:-Mrs J, you know who I am? She replied cheerfully:-Yes, I know who you are, Mr K I’ve known you since you were a little boy, and frankly, you’re a disappointment to me you lie, deceive your wife, manipulates people and talk behind the backs of them you think you’re a storfräsare when you in itself (a) the work don’t have brains enough to realize that you will never be more than mediocre paper users, well you, I know who you are. The Prosecutor was amazed and in lack of better he pointed across the room and stammered:-Mrs J know ye who’s defence lawyer is? She said small smile:-Yes I do it I have known Mr Bölde since childhood, He is a lazy Bigot with an alcohol problem, He can’t have a normal relationship with anyone and he is one of the province’s worst lawyers, not to mention he cheated on his wife with three women, one of them was your wife, YES, I know who he is the defense attorney almost died. Now called the judge to both prosecutors and defence counsel and whispering intimidating to them:-If one of the men asks her if she knows who the judge is, and I will send you both to the electric chair

(Source http://skamt999.se)

Summoning-With Doom We Come !

Summoning är ett österrikisktblack metal-band. Det bildades 1993 av Silenius (Michael Gregor), Protector (Richard Lederer) och Trifixion (Alexander Trondl). Trifixion kom senare att lämna Summoning, varefter de återstående medlemmarna fortsatte som en duo. Bandets debutalbum, Lugburz, kom ut på Napalm Records 1995. Nästan alla bandets låttexter handlar om J.R.R. TolkiensArda.

Summoning is an Austrian black metal band. It was formed in 1993 by Silenius (Michael Gregor), Protector (Richard Lederer) and Trifixion (Alexander Trondl). Trifixion would later leave the Summoning, after which the remaining members continued as a duo. The band’s debut album Lugburz, came out on Napalm Records 1995. Almost all the band’s lyrics are about J. R. R. Tolkien’s Arda.

Summoning har släppt nytt album ”With Doom We Come” detta är tungt, inget man kan säga sig förstå efter en lyssning, det krävs många spelningar av denna cd, en gedigen ljud matta som inte går att avfärda.

Summoning has released new album ”With Doom We Come” this is heavy, no one can say to understand after an engagement, it requires many gigs of this cd, a solid sound carpet that is impossible to dismiss.